稳 [wen3]
汉字:稳 / 拼音:wen3
稳 | |||
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异体 | 穏 稳 穩 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
不稳 | 不穩 | bu4 wen3 | unstable/ unsteady |
不稳定 | 不穩定 | bu4 wen3 ding4 | unstable |
不稳定气流 | 不穩定氣流 | bu4 wen3 ding4 qi4 liu2 | turbulent |
不稳平衡 | 不穩平衡 | bu4 wen3 ping2 heng2 | unstable equilibrium |
不稳性 | 不穩性 | bu4 wen3 xing4 | instability |
任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼台 | 任憑風浪起,穩坐釣魚臺 | ren4 ping2 feng1 lang4 qi3 , wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2 | lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite wind and storm (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/ a cool head in a crisis |
十成九稳 | 十成九穩 | shi2 cheng2 jiu3 wen3 | see 十拿九穩|十拿九稳[shi2 na2 jiu3 wen3] |
十拿九稳 | 十拿九穩 | shi2 na2 jiu3 wen3 | to be a cinch/ in the bag/ (of a person) confident of success |
单稳 | 單穩 | dan1 wen3 | monostable/ single-side stable (relays) |
嘴稳 | 嘴穩 | zui3 wen3 | able to keep a secret |
四平八稳 | 四平八穩 | si4 ping2 ba1 wen3 | everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary |
安稳 | 安穩 | an1 wen3 | smooth and steady |
平稳 | 平穩 | ping2 wen3 | smooth/ steady |
把稳 | 把穩 | ba3 wen3 | trustworthy/ dependable |
沉稳 | 沉穩 | chen2 wen3 | steady/ calm/ unflustered |
准稳旋涡结构 | 準穩旋渦結構 | zhun3 wen3 xuan2 wo1 jie2 gou4 | quasi-stationary spiral structure QSSS (astrophysics) |
稳 | 穩 | wen3 | settled/ steady/ stable |
稳中求进 | 穩中求進 | wen3 zhong1 qiu2 jin4 | to make progress while ensuring stability |
稳便 | 穩便 | wen3 bian4 | reliable/ at one's convenience/ as you wish |
稳健 | 穩健 | wen3 jian4 | firm/ stable and steady |
稳胜 | 穩勝 | wen3 sheng4 | to beat comfortably/ to win easily/ abbr. for 穩操勝券|稳操胜券, to have victory within one's grasp |
稳厚 | 穩厚 | wen3 hou4 | steady and honest |
稳固 | 穩固 | wen3 gu4 | stable/ steady/ firm/ to stabilize |
稳坐钓鱼台 | 穩坐釣魚臺 | wen3 zuo4 diao4 yu2 tai2 | lit. sitting at ease in a fishing boat despite storms (idiom); to stay calm during tense situation/ a cool head in a crisis |
稳压 | 穩壓 | wen3 ya1 | stable voltage |
稳如泰山 | 穩如泰山 | wen3 ru2 Tai4 Shan1 | steady as Mt Tai/ as safe as houses |
稳妥 | 穩妥 | wen3 tuo3 | dependable |
稳婆 | 穩婆 | wen3 po2 | midwife (old term) |
稳定 | 穩定 | wen3 ding4 | steady/ stable/ stability/ to stabilize/ to pacify |
稳定塘 | 穩定塘 | wen3 ding4 tang2 | waste stabilization pond |
2021-05-05, 485👍, 0💬
简体:烽燧 / 繁体:烽燧 / 拼音:feng1 sui4
简体:鸿 / 繁体:鸿 / 拼音:hong2
简体:上官 / 繁体:上官 / 拼音:shang4 guan1
简体:媚 / 繁体:媚 / 拼音:mei4
简体:亓 / 繁体:亓 / 拼音:qi2