租 [zu1]
汉字:租 / 拼音:zu1
租 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
公租房 | 公租房 | gong1 zu1 fang2 | public housing |
出租 | 出租 | chu1 zu1 | to rent |
出租司机 | 出租司機 | chu1 zu1 si1 ji1 | taxi driver |
出租汽车 | 出租汽車 | chu1 zu1 qi4 che1 | taxi/ cab (PRC)/ hire car (Tw)/ CL:輛|辆[liang4] |
出租车 | 出租車 | chu1 zu1 che1 | taxi/ (Tw) rental car |
分租 | 分租 | fen1 zu1 | (of a landlord) to rent out one or more parts of a property/ (of a tenant) to sublet one or more parts of a property/ (agriculture) sharecropping |
包租 | 包租 | bao1 zu1 | to rent/ to charter/ to rent land or a house for subletting/ fixed rent for farmland |
合租 | 合租 | he2 zu1 | to rent jointly with other people/ co-renting |
地租 | 地租 | di4 zu1 | land rent/ land tax |
地租收入 | 地租收入 | di4 zu1 shou1 ru4 | rent income (esp. from arable land) |
寻租 | 尋租 | xun2 zu1 | rent seeking (economics) |
廉租房 | 廉租房 | lian2 zu1 fang2 | low-rent housing |
房子租 | 房子租 | fang2 zi5 zu1 | house rent |
房租 | 房租 | fang2 zu1 | rent for a room or house |
承租 | 承租 | cheng2 zu1 | to rent/ to lease |
承租人 | 承租人 | cheng2 zu1 ren2 | leaser/ tenant |
承租方 | 承租方 | cheng2 zu1 fang1 | borrower/ leaser/ the hiring side of a contract |
押租 | 押租 | ya1 zu1 | rent deposit |
招租 | 招租 | zhao1 zu1 | (of a house or room) to be for rent |
旅大租地条约 | 旅大租地條約 | Lu:3 Da4 Zu1 di4 Tiao2 yue1 | unequal treaty of 1898 whereby the Qing dynasty ceded the lease of Lüshun (Port Arthur) to Russia |
栈租 | 棧租 | zhan4 zu1 | warehouse rent/ cost of storage |
减租 | 減租 | jian3 zu1 | to reduce rent |
租 | 租 | zu1 | to hire/ to rent/ to charter/ to rent out/ to lease out/ rent/ land tax |
租佃 | 租佃 | zu1 dian4 | to rent out one's land (to tenant farmers) |
租借 | 租借 | zu1 jie4 | to rent/ to lease |
租借地 | 租借地 | zu1 jie4 di4 | concession (territory) |
租债 | 租債 | zu1 zhai4 | rent and debt |
租价 | 租價 | zu1 jia4 | rent price |
租地 | 租地 | zu1 di4 | to rent land/ to lease farmland |
租地人投标票权 | 租地人投標票權 | zu1 di4 ren2 tou2 biao1 piao4 quan2 | occupation franchise |
2021-04-20, 411👍, 0💬
简体:炸酱面 / 繁体:炸酱面 / 拼音:zha2 jiang4 mian4
简体:绿翅短脚鹎 / 繁体:绿翅短脚鹎 / 拼音:lu:4 chi4 duan3 jiao3 bei1
简体:豹猫 / 繁体:豹猫 / 拼音:bao4 mao1
简体:勃起 / 繁体:勃起 / 拼音:bo2 qi3
简体:猎犬 / 繁体:猎犬 / 拼音:lie4 quan3