礼 [Li3 li3]
汉字:礼 / 拼音:Li3 li3
礼 | |||||
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异体 | 丰 礼 禮 豊 豐 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
下水礼 | 下水禮 | xia4 shui3 li3 | launching ceremony |
以礼相待 | 以禮相待 | yi3 li3 xiang1 dai4 | to treat sb with due respect (idiom) |
伴手礼 | 伴手禮 | ban4 shou3 li3 | gift given when visiting sb (esp. a local specialty brought back from one's travels, or a special product of one's own country taken overseas) (Tw) |
来而不往非礼也 | 來而不往非禮也 | lai2 er2 bu4 wang3 fei1 li3 ye3 | not to reciprocate is against etiquette (classical)/ to respond in kind |
做礼拜 | 做禮拜 | zuo4 li3 bai4 | to go to church on Sunday (of Christians) |
仪礼 | 儀禮 | Yi2 li3 | Rites and Ceremonies, part of the Confucian Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记[Li3 ji4] |
先兵后礼 | 先兵後禮 | xian1 bing1 hou4 li3 | opposite of 先禮後兵|先礼后兵[xian1 li3 hou4 bing1] |
先礼后兵 | 先禮後兵 | xian1 li3 hou4 bing1 | peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/ jaw-jaw is better than war-war |
克己复礼 | 克己復禮 | ke4 ji3 fu4 li3 | restrain yourself and return to the rites (idiom, from Analects); to subdue self and observe proprieties/ (any number of possible translations) |
免礼 | 免禮 | mian3 li3 | (formal) you may dispense with curtseying |
典礼 | 典禮 | dian3 li3 | celebration/ ceremony |
分庭抗礼 | 分庭抗禮 | fen1 ting2 kang4 li3 | peer competition/ to function as rivals/ to make claims as an equal |
割礼 | 割禮 | ge1 li3 | circumcision |
千里送鹅毛,礼轻人意重 | 千里送鵝毛,禮輕人意重 | qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2 , li3 qing1 ren2 yi4 zhong4 | goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it. |
千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重 | 千里送鵝毛,禮輕情意重 | qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2 , li3 qing1 qing2 yi4 zhong4 | goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it. |
卑辞厚礼 | 卑辭厚禮 | bei1 ci2 hou4 li3 | humble expression for generous gift |
博文约礼 | 博文約禮 | bo2 wen2 yue1 li3 | vigorously pursuing knowledge, while scrupulously abiding by the rules of decorum (idiom) |
厚礼 | 厚禮 | hou4 li3 | generous gifts |
受礼 | 受禮 | shou4 li3 | to accept a gift/ to acknowledge greetings |
周礼 | 周禮 | Zhou1 li3 | the Rites of Zhou (in Confucianism) |
丧礼 | 喪禮 | sang1 li3 | funeral |
回礼 | 回禮 | hui2 li3 | to return a greeting/ to send a gift in return |
坚信礼 | 堅信禮 | jian1 xin4 li3 | confirmation (Christian ceremony) |
坚振礼 | 堅振禮 | jian1 zhen4 li3 | confirmation (Christian ceremony) |
寿礼 | 壽禮 | shou4 li3 | birthday present (for an old person) |
多礼 | 多禮 | duo1 li3 | too polite/ overcourteous |
失礼 | 失禮 | shi1 li3 | to act discourteously/ forgive me (for my impropriety) |
婚礼 | 婚禮 | hun1 li3 | wedding ceremony/ wedding/ CL:場|场[chang3] |
定礼 | 定禮 | ding4 li3 | betrothal gift/ bride-price |
就职典礼 | 就職典禮 | jiu4 zhi2 dian3 li3 | inauguration |
2021-04-20, 481👍, 0💬
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