真 [zhen1]
汉字:真 / 拼音:zhen1
真 | |||
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异体 | 眞 真 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一灵真性 | 一靈真性 | yi1 ling2 zhen1 xing4 | soul/ spirit |
不识庐山真面目 | 不識廬山真面目 | bu4 shi4 Lu2 shan1 zhen1 mian4 mu4 | lit. not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain/ fig. can't see the forest for the trees |
乱真 | 亂真 | luan4 zhen1 | to pass off as genuine/ spurious |
仿真 | 仿真 | fang3 zhen1 | to emulate/ to simulate/ emulation/ simulation |
仿真服务器 | 仿真服務器 | fang3 zhen1 fu2 wu4 qi4 | emulation server |
低保真 | 低保真 | di1 bao3 zhen1 | low fidelity/ lo-fi |
保真度 | 保真度 | bao3 zhen1 du4 | fidelity |
信以为真 | 信以為真 | xin4 yi3 wei2 zhen1 | to take sth to be true |
假戏真唱 | 假戲真唱 | jia3 xi4 zhen1 chang4 | fiction comes true/ play-acting that turns into reality |
传真 | 傳真 | chuan2 zhen1 | fax/ facsimile |
传真机 | 傳真機 | chuan2 zhen1 ji1 | fax machine |
传真发送 | 傳真發送 | chuan2 zhen1 fa1 song4 | fax transmission |
传真号码 | 傳真號碼 | chuan2 zhen1 hao4 ma3 | fax number |
传真电报 | 傳真電報 | chuan2 zhen1 dian4 bao4 | phototelegram |
六字真言 | 六字真言 | liu4 zi4 zhen1 yan2 | the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva (i.e. om mani padme hum) |
动真格 | 動真格 | dong4 zhen1 ge2 | to get serious about sth/ to pull no punches/ to be determined to see sth through |
千真万确 | 千真萬確 | qian1 zhen1 wan4 que4 | absolutely true (idiom)/ manifold/ true from many points of view |
半真半假 | 半真半假 | ban4 zhen1 ban4 jia3 | (idiom) half true and half false |
反璞归真 | 反璞歸真 | fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1 | variant of 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1] |
在真空中 | 在真空中 | zai4 zhen1 kong1 zhong1 | in a vacuum |
天真 | 天真 | tian1 zhen1 | naive/ innocent/ artless |
天真烂漫 | 天真爛漫 | tian1 zhen1 lan4 man4 | innocent and unaffected |
失真 | 失真 | shi1 zhen1 | to lack fidelity/ (signal) distortion |
奥姆真理教 | 奧姆真理教 | Ao4 mu3 Zhen1 li3 jiao4 | Aum Shinrikyo (or Supreme Truth), the Japanese death cult responsible for the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway |
女真 | 女真 | Nu:3 zhen1 | Jurchen, a Tungus ethnic group, predecessor of the Manchu ethnic group who founded the Later Jin Dynasty 後金|后金[Hou4 Jin1] and Qing Dynasty |
女真语 | 女真語 | Nu:3 zhen1 yu3 | Jurchen language |
孰真孰假 | 孰真孰假 | shu2 zhen1 shu2 jia3 | what is true and what is fake |
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 | 實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準 | shi2 jian4 shi4 jian3 yan4 zhen1 li3 de5 wei2 yi1 biao1 zhun3 | Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978) |
写真 | 寫真 | xie3 zhen1 | portrait/ to describe sth accurately |
写真集 | 寫真集 | xie3 zhen1 ji2 | photobook (loanword from Japanese), generally sexy portraits of an actress or model |
2021-04-20, 423👍, 0💬
简体:削瘦 / 繁体:削瘦 / 拼音:xue1 shou4
简体:上蔡县 / 繁体:上蔡县 / 拼音:Shang4 cai4 xian4
简体:一头栽进 / 繁体:一头栽进 / 拼音:yi1 tou2 zai1 jin4
简体:猎犬 / 繁体:猎犬 / 拼音:lie4 quan3
简体:全球定位系统 / 繁体:全球定位系统 / 拼音:quan2 qiu2 ding4 wei4 xi4 tong3