
登 [deng1]


汉字:登 / 拼音:deng1

dēng to scale (a height)/ to ascend/ to mount/ to publish or record/ to enter (e.g. in a register)/ to press down with the foot/ to step or tread on/ to put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect)/ to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old)


一步登天一步登天yi1 bu4 deng1 tian1reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success
不登大雅之堂不登大雅之堂bu4 deng1 da4 ya3 zhi1 tang2lit. not fit for elegant hall (of artwork)/ not presentable/ coarse/ unrefined
五谷丰登五穀豐登wu3 gu3 feng1 deng1abundant harvest of all food crops/ bumper grain harvest
傻不愣登傻不愣登sha3 bu4 leng4 deng1stupid/ dazed
典型登革热典型登革熱dian3 xing2 deng1 ge2 re4dengue fever
出血性登革热出血性登革熱chu1 xue4 xing4 deng1 ge2 re4dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
刊登刊登kan1 deng1to carry a story/ to publish (in a newspaper or magazine)
列支敦士登列支敦士登Lie4 zhi1 dun1 shi4 deng1Liechtenstein
列支敦斯登列支敦斯登Lie4 zhi1 dun1 si1 deng1Liechtenstein (Tw)
勃兰登堡勃蘭登堡Bo2 lan2 deng1 bao3Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos)
博登湖博登湖Bo2 deng1 Hu2Lake Constance (between Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
古登堡古登堡Gu3 deng1 bao3Gutenberg (name)/ Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400-1468), inventor in Europe of the printing press/ Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), German-born US seismologist, coinventor of the Richter magnitude scale
司徒雷登司徒雷登Si1 tu2 Lei2 deng1John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962), second-generation American missionary in China, first president of Yenching University and later United States ambassador to China
哈尔登哈爾登Ha1 er3 deng1Halden (city in Norway)
喜来登喜來登Xi3 lai2 deng1Sheraton (hotel chain)
单一登入單一登入dan1 yi1 deng1 ru4(Tw) single sign-on (SSO)
单点登录單點登錄dan1 dian3 deng1 lu4single sign-on (SSO)
大卫·艾登堡大衛·艾登堡Da4 wei4 · Ai4 deng1 bao3David Attenborough (1926-), British naturalist and broadcaster, author of Life on Earth 地球上的生物[di4 qiu2 shang4 de5 sheng1 wu4]
巴登巴登Ba1 deng1Baden (region in Germany)
巴登·符腾堡州巴登·符騰堡州Ba1 deng1 · Fu2 teng2 bao3 zhou1Baden-Württemberg, southwest German state, capital Stuttgart 斯圖加特|斯图加特[Si1 tu2 jia1 te4]
从善如登,从恶如崩從善如登,從惡如崩cong2 shan4 ru2 deng1 , cong2 e4 ru2 beng1doing good is like a hard climb, doing evil is like an easy fall (idiom)
拉登拉登La1 deng1(Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda
拜登拜登Bai4 deng1Biden (name)/ Joe Biden (1942-), US president (2021-), vice-president 2009-2017
捷足先登捷足先登jie2 zu2 xian1 deng1the quick-footed climb up first (idiom)/ the early bird catches the worm/ first come, first served
摩登摩登mo2 deng1modern (loanword)/ fashionable
摩登原始人摩登原始人Mo2 deng1 Yuan2 shi3 ren2The Flintstones (TV Series)
攀登攀登pan1 deng1to climb/ to pull oneself up/ to clamber/ to scale/ fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger
文登文登Wen2 deng1Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong
文登市文登市Wen2 deng1 shi4Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong
斯诺登斯諾登Si1 nuo4 deng1Edward Snowden (1983-), American surveillance program whistleblower




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