登 [deng1]
汉字:登 / 拼音:deng1
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
一步登天 | 一步登天 | yi1 bu4 deng1 tian1 | reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success |
不登大雅之堂 | 不登大雅之堂 | bu4 deng1 da4 ya3 zhi1 tang2 | lit. not fit for elegant hall (of artwork)/ not presentable/ coarse/ unrefined |
五谷丰登 | 五穀豐登 | wu3 gu3 feng1 deng1 | abundant harvest of all food crops/ bumper grain harvest |
傻不愣登 | 傻不愣登 | sha3 bu4 leng4 deng1 | stupid/ dazed |
典型登革热 | 典型登革熱 | dian3 xing2 deng1 ge2 re4 | dengue fever |
出血性登革热 | 出血性登革熱 | chu1 xue4 xing4 deng1 ge2 re4 | dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) |
刊登 | 刊登 | kan1 deng1 | to carry a story/ to publish (in a newspaper or magazine) |
列支敦士登 | 列支敦士登 | Lie4 zhi1 dun1 shi4 deng1 | Liechtenstein |
列支敦斯登 | 列支敦斯登 | Lie4 zhi1 dun1 si1 deng1 | Liechtenstein (Tw) |
勃兰登堡 | 勃蘭登堡 | Bo2 lan2 deng1 bao3 | Brandenburg (e.g. gate, concertos) |
博登湖 | 博登湖 | Bo2 deng1 Hu2 | Lake Constance (between Germany, Austria and Switzerland) |
古登堡 | 古登堡 | Gu3 deng1 bao3 | Gutenberg (name)/ Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400-1468), inventor in Europe of the printing press/ Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), German-born US seismologist, coinventor of the Richter magnitude scale |
司徒雷登 | 司徒雷登 | Si1 tu2 Lei2 deng1 | John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962), second-generation American missionary in China, first president of Yenching University and later United States ambassador to China |
哈尔登 | 哈爾登 | Ha1 er3 deng1 | Halden (city in Norway) |
喜来登 | 喜來登 | Xi3 lai2 deng1 | Sheraton (hotel chain) |
单一登入 | 單一登入 | dan1 yi1 deng1 ru4 | (Tw) single sign-on (SSO) |
单点登录 | 單點登錄 | dan1 dian3 deng1 lu4 | single sign-on (SSO) |
大卫·艾登堡 | 大衛·艾登堡 | Da4 wei4 · Ai4 deng1 bao3 | David Attenborough (1926-), British naturalist and broadcaster, author of Life on Earth 地球上的生物[di4 qiu2 shang4 de5 sheng1 wu4] |
巴登 | 巴登 | Ba1 deng1 | Baden (region in Germany) |
巴登·符腾堡州 | 巴登·符騰堡州 | Ba1 deng1 · Fu2 teng2 bao3 zhou1 | Baden-Württemberg, southwest German state, capital Stuttgart 斯圖加特|斯图加特[Si1 tu2 jia1 te4] |
从善如登,从恶如崩 | 從善如登,從惡如崩 | cong2 shan4 ru2 deng1 , cong2 e4 ru2 beng1 | doing good is like a hard climb, doing evil is like an easy fall (idiom) |
拉登 | 拉登 | La1 deng1 | (Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda |
拜登 | 拜登 | Bai4 deng1 | Biden (name)/ Joe Biden (1942-), US president (2021-), vice-president 2009-2017 |
捷足先登 | 捷足先登 | jie2 zu2 xian1 deng1 | the quick-footed climb up first (idiom)/ the early bird catches the worm/ first come, first served |
摩登 | 摩登 | mo2 deng1 | modern (loanword)/ fashionable |
摩登原始人 | 摩登原始人 | Mo2 deng1 Yuan2 shi3 ren2 | The Flintstones (TV Series) |
攀登 | 攀登 | pan1 deng1 | to climb/ to pull oneself up/ to clamber/ to scale/ fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger |
文登 | 文登 | Wen2 deng1 | Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong |
文登市 | 文登市 | Wen2 deng1 shi4 | Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong |
斯诺登 | 斯諾登 | Si1 nuo4 deng1 | Edward Snowden (1983-), American surveillance program whistleblower |
2021-05-02, 471👍, 0💬
简体:喷水池 / 繁体:喷水池 / 拼音:pen1 shui3 chi2
简体:蹄 / 繁体:蹄 / 拼音:ti2
简体:大狱 / 繁体:大狱 / 拼音:da4 yu4
简体:拉黑 / 繁体:拉黑 / 拼音:la1 hei1
简体:上海汽车工业 / 繁体:上海汽车工业 / 拼音:Shang4 hai3 qi4 che1 gong1 ye4