
疑 [yi2]


汉字:疑 / 拼音:yi2

to doubt/ to suspect


不容置疑不容置疑bu4 rong2 zhi4 yi2unquestionable
冘疑冘疑you2 yi2variant of 猶疑|犹疑[you2 yi2]
半信半疑半信半疑ban4 xin4 ban4 yi2half doubting/ dubious/ skeptical
可疑可疑ke3 yi2suspicious/ dubious
可疑分子可疑分子ke3 yi2 fen4 zi3a suspect
多疑多疑duo1 yi2mistrustful/ suspicious/ paranoid
嫌疑嫌疑xian2 yi2suspicion/ to have suspicions
嫌疑人嫌疑人xian2 yi2 ren2a suspect
嫌疑犯嫌疑犯xian2 yi2 fan4a suspect
将信将疑將信將疑jiang1 xin4 jiang1 yi2half believing, half doubting/ skeptical
心存怀疑心存懷疑xin1 cun2 huai2 yi2to be suspicious
心疑心疑xin1 yi2to suspect
怀疑懷疑huai2 yi2to doubt (sth)/ to be skeptical of/ to have one's doubts/ to harbor suspicions/ to suspect that
怀疑派懷疑派huai2 yi2 pai4skeptical
怀疑者懷疑者huai2 yi2 zhe3skeptic/ suspecter
悬疑懸疑xuan2 yi2suspense
析疑析疑xi1 yi2to resolve a doubt
毫不怀疑毫不懷疑hao2 bu4 huai2 yi2without the slightest doubt
毫不迟疑毫不遲疑hao2 bu4 chi2 yi2without the slightest hesitation
毫无疑问毫無疑問hao2 wu2 yi2 wen4certainty/ without a doubt
深信不疑深信不疑shen1 xin4 bu4 yi2to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom)/ absolute certainty about sth
无可置疑無可置疑wu2 ke3 zhi4 yi2cannot be doubted (idiom)
无容置疑無容置疑wu2 rong2 zhi4 yi2cannot be doubted (idiom)
无疑無疑wu2 yi2no doubt/ undoubtedly
狐疑狐疑hu2 yi2suspicious/ in doubt
猜疑猜疑cai1 yi2to suspect/ to have misgivings/ suspicious/ misgivings
犹疑猶疑you2 yi2to hesitate
yi2to doubt/ to suspect
疑似疑似yi2 si4to be suspected to be
疑凶疑兇yi2 xiong1suspected of murder/ criminal suspect




2021-04-30, 337👍, 0💬