
異 [yi4]


汉字:異 / 拼音:yi4

different/ other/ hetero-/ unusual/ strange/ surprising/ to distinguish/ to separate/ to discriminate


二氯异三聚氰酸钠二氯異三聚氰酸鈉er4 lu:4 yi4 san1 ju4 qing2 suan1 na4sodium dichloroisocyanurate
互异互異hu4 yi4differing from one another/ mutually different
亚硝酸异戊酯亞硝酸異戊酯ya4 xiao1 suan1 yi4 wu4 zhi3amyl nitrite
优异優異you1 yi4exceptional/ outstandingly good
优异奖優異獎you1 yi4 jiang3excellence award/ merit award
两性异形兩性異形liang3 xing4 yi4 xing2sexual dimorphism
分异分異fen1 yi4distinction/ differentiation
卓异卓異zhuo2 yi4(of talent) outstanding/ exceptional
各异各異ge4 yi4all different/ each unto his own
同分异构同分異構tong2 fen1 yi4 gou4isomerism (chemistry)
同分异构体同分異構體tong2 fen1 yi4 gou4 ti3isomer (chemistry)
同床异梦同床異夢tong2 chuang2 yi4 meng4lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas/ strange bedfellows/ marital dissension
同母异父同母異父tong2 mu3 yi4 fu4(of siblings) having the same mother but different fathers/ half (brother or sister)
同父异母同父異母tong2 fu4 yi4 mu3(of siblings) having the same father but different mothers/ half (brother or sister)
同素异形体同素異形體tong2 su4 yi4 xing2 ti3allotropy
同量异位素同量異位素tong2 liang4 yi4 wei4 su4nuclear isobar
因人而异因人而異yin1 ren2 er2 yi4varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual
基因染色体异常基因染色體異常ji1 yin1 ran3 se4 ti3 yi4 chang2genetic chromosome abnormality
大同小异大同小異da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4virtually the same/ differing only on small points
大放异彩大放異彩da4 fang4 yi4 cai3to shine (of talents, skills, accomplishment)/ to demonstrate extraordinary talent or skill
天赋异禀天賦異稟tian1 fu4 yi4 bing3extraordinary talent/ exceptionally gifted
奇珍异宝奇珍異寶qi2 zhen1 yi4 bao3rare treasure (idiom)
奇异奇異qi2 yi4fantastic/ bizarre/ odd/ exotic/ astonished
奇异夸克奇異夸克qi2 yi4 kua1 ke4strange quark (particle physics)
奇异果奇異果qi2 yi4 guo3kiwi fruit/ Chinese gooseberry
奇异笔奇異筆qi2 yi4 bi3marker (writing instrument)
奇能异士奇能異士qi2 neng2 yi4 shi4extraordinary hero with special abilities/ martial arts superhero
奇花异卉奇花異卉qi2 hua1 yi4 hui4exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)
奇花异草奇花異草qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3very rarely seen, unusual (idiom)
奇葩异卉奇葩異卉qi2 pa1 yi4 hui4rare and exotic flora (idiom)




2021-04-20, 742👍, 0💬