
画 [hua4]


汉字:画 / 拼音:hua4

huà to draw/ picture/ painting/ CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1]/ classifier for paintings etc/ variant of 劃|划[hua4]


下画线下畫線xia4 hua4 xian4underline
中国画中國畫Zhong1 guo2 hua4Chinese painting
乱画亂畫luan4 hua4to doodle/ graffito/ doodle
作画作畫zuo4 hua4to paint
依样画葫芦依樣畫葫蘆yi1 yang4 hua4 hu2 lu5lit. to draw a gourd from the model (idiom)/ fig. to copy sth mechanically without attempt at originality
依葫芦画瓢依葫蘆畫瓢yi1 hu2 lu5 hua4 piao2lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as one's model (idiom)/ fig. to follow the existing pattern without modification
刻画刻畫ke4 hua4to portray
动画動畫dong4 hua4animation/ cartoon
动画片動畫片dong4 hua4 pian4animated film
勾画勾畫gou1 hua4to sketch out/ to delineate
区画區畫qu1 hua4subdivision (e.g. of provinces into counties)
名画名畫ming2 hua4famous painting
名画家名畫家ming2 hua4 jia1famous painter
单色画單色畫dan1 se4 hua4monochrome picture/ black and white picture
国画國畫guo2 hua4traditional Chinese painting
图画圖畫tu2 hua4drawing/ picture
壁画壁畫bi4 hua4mural (painting)/ fresco
如画如畫ru2 hua4picturesque
如诗如画如詩如畫ru2 shi1 ru2 hua4(of scenery) stunning/ spectacular/ picturesque
字画字畫zi4 hua4the strokes of a character/ calligraphy and painting
宣传画宣傳畫xuan1 chuan2 hua4propaganda poster/ advertising hoarding
写意画寫意畫xie3 yi4 hua4freehand drawing or painting in traditional Chinese style
山水画山水畫shan1 shui3 hua4landscape painting
岩画巖畫yan2 hua4rock painting/ picture or writing carved on rocks
帛画帛畫bo2 hua4painting on silk
年画儿年畫兒nian2 hua4 r5New Year (Spring Festival) picture
广告宣传画廣告宣傳畫guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2 hua4placard/ poster
彩画彩畫cai3 hua4color painting
徒手画徒手畫tu2 shou3 hua4freehand drawing
意存笔先,画尽意在意存筆先,畫盡意在yi4 cun2 bi3 xian1 , hua4 jin4 yi4 zai4the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through




2021-04-28, 595👍, 0💬