
耕 [geng1]


汉字:耕 / 拼音:geng1

gēng variant of 耕[geng1]


一分耕耘,一分收获一分耕耘,一分收穫yi1 fen1 geng1 yun2 , yi1 fen1 shou1 huo4you get what you put in/ you reap what you sow
休耕休耕xiu1 geng1to leave farmland to lie fallow
备耕備耕bei4 geng1to make preparations for plowing and sowing
冬耕冬耕dong1 geng1winter plowing
刀耕火种刀耕火種dao1 geng1 huo3 zhong4slash and burn (agriculture)
半自耕农半自耕農ban4 zi4 geng1 nong2semi-tenant peasant/ semi-owner peasant
可耕地可耕地ke3 geng1 di4cultivable
垦耕墾耕ken3 geng1to bring under cultivation (scrubland, marshland etc)
春耕春耕chun1 geng1to plow a field in the spring
水耕法水耕法shui3 geng1 fa3hydroponics
深耕深耕shen1 geng1deep plowing/ thorough penetration/ thorough development (of a market segment etc)
深耕细作深耕細作shen1 geng1 xi4 zuo4deep plowing and careful cultivation
浅耕淺耕qian3 geng1to scratch/ shallow plowing
geng1variant of 耕[geng1]
砚耕硯耕yan4 geng1to live by writing
秋耕秋耕qiu1 geng1autumn plowing
笔耕筆耕bi3 geng1to make a living by writing/ to write (as an author)
精耕细作精耕細作jing1 geng1 xi4 zuo4intensive farming
翻耕翻耕fan1 geng1to plow/ to turn the soil
geng1to plow/ to till
耕作耕作geng1 zuo4farming
耕地耕地geng1 di4arable land/ to plow land
耕奴耕奴geng1 nu2agricultural slave/ serf
耕犁耕犁geng1 li2plow
耕田耕田geng1 tian2to cultivate soil/ to till fields
耕畜耕畜geng1 chu4draft animal
耕当问奴耕當問奴geng1 dang1 wen4 nu2if it's plowing, ask the laborer (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
耕当问奴,织当访婢耕當問奴,織當訪婢geng1 dang1 wen4 nu2 , zhi1 dang1 fang3 bi4if it's plowing ask the laborer, if it's weaving ask the maid (idiom); when managing a matter, consult the appropriate specialist
耕种耕種geng1 zhong4to till/ to cultivate
耕者有其田耕者有其田geng4 zhe3 you3 qi2 tian2"land to the tiller", post-Liberation land reform movement instigated by the CCP




2021-05-20, 660👍, 0💬