
甘 [Gan1 gan1]


汉字:甘 / 拼音:Gan1 gan1

gān surname Gan/ abbr. for Gansu Province 甘肅省|甘肃省[Gan1 su4 Sheng3]
gān sweet/ willing


三酸甘油酯三酸甘油酯san1 suan1 gan1 you2 zhi3triglyceride
上甘岭上甘嶺Shang4 gan1 ling3Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
上甘岭区上甘嶺區Shang4 gan1 ling3 qu1Shanganling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang
不甘不甘bu4 gan1unreconciled to/ not resigned to/ unwilling
不甘人后不甘人後bu4 gan1 ren2 hou4(idiom) not want to be outdone/ not content to lag behind
不甘寂寞不甘寂寞bu4 gan1 ji4 mo4unwilling to remain lonely or idle/ unwilling to be left out
不甘后人不甘後人bu4 gan1 hou4 ren2(idiom) not want to be outdone/ not content to lag behind
不甘心不甘心bu4 gan1 xin1not reconciled to/ not resigned to
不甘于不甘於bu4 gan1 yu2unwilling to accept/ not content with (a subservient role, a mediocre result etc)
不甘示弱不甘示弱bu4 gan1 shi4 ruo4not to be outdone
二甘醇二甘醇er4 gan1 chun2diethylene glycol/ glycerin (used in antifreeze)
同甘共苦同甘共苦tong2 gan1 gong4 ku3shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to share life's joys and sorrows/ for better or for worse
同甘苦同甘苦tong2 gan1 ku3to share joys and sorrows/ sharing good times and hard times/ same as 同甘共苦
善罢甘休善罷甘休shan4 ba4 gan1 xiu1to leave the matter at that/ to be prepared to let go/ to be willing to take things lying down
回甘回甘hui2 gan1to have a sweet aftertaste
心甘心甘xin1 gan1to be willing/ to be satisfied
心甘情愿心甘情願xin1 gan1 qing2 yuan4delighted to (do sth, idiom)/ perfectly happy to do/ most willing to do
拉马特甘拉馬特甘La1 ma3 te4 Gan1Ramat Gan, city in Israel, location of Bar-Ilan University
洋甘菊洋甘菊yang2 gan1 ju2Matricaria recutita/ chamomile
球芽甘蓝球芽甘藍qiu2 ya2 gan1 lan2Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea L. var. gemmifera)
Gan1surname Gan/ abbr. for Gansu Province 甘肅省|甘肃省[Gan1 su4 Sheng3]
gan1sweet/ willing
甘丹寺甘丹寺Gan1 dan1 si4Ganden monastery, Tibetan: dGa' ldan rNam rgyal gling, Dagzê county 達孜縣|达孜县[Da2 zi1 xian4], Lhasa, Tibet
甘之如饴甘之如飴gan1 zhi1 ru2 yi2lit. as sweet as syrup (idiom, from Book of Songs); to endure hardship gladly/ a glutton for punishment
甘井子区甘井子區Gan1 jing3 zi5 qu1Ganjingzi district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da4 lian2 shi4], Liaoning
甘南甘南Gan1 nan2Gannan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang
甘南州甘南州Gan1 nan2 zhou1Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture/ abbr. for 甘南藏族自治州
甘南县甘南縣Gan1 nan2 xian4Gannan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang
甘南藏族自治州甘南藏族自治州Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Gansu
甘味甘味gan1 wei4sweetness/ sweet taste




2021-04-20, 590👍, 0💬