
獵 [lie4]


汉字:獵 / 拼音:lie4

liè hunting


侠盗猎车手俠盜獵車手xia2 dao4 lie4 che1 shou3Grand Theft Auto (video game series)
偷猎偷獵tou1 lie4to poach
偷猎者偷獵者tou1 lie4 zhe3poacher
出猎出獵chu1 lie4to go out hunting
打猎打獵da3 lie4to go hunting
捕猎捕獵bu3 lie4hunting
涉猎涉獵she4 lie4to skim (through a book)/ to read cursorily/ to dip into
渔猎漁獵yu2 lie4fishing and hunting/ fig. to loot/ to plunder
灰猎犬灰獵犬hui1 lie4 quan3greyhound
狩猎狩獵shou4 lie4to hunt/ hunting
猎人獵人lie4 ren2hunter
猎刀獵刀lie4 dao1hunting knife
猎取獵取lie4 qu3to hunt/ (fig.) to seek (fame etc)
猎奇獵奇lie4 qi2to hunt for novelty/ to seek novelty
猎户座獵戶座Lie4 hu4 zuo4Orion (constellation)
猎户座大星云獵戶座大星雲Lie4 hu4 zuo4 da4 xing1 yun2the Great Nebula in Orion M42
猎户座流星雨獵戶座流星雨lie4 hu4 zuo4 liu2 xing1 yu3Orionids/ Orionid meteor shower
猎户臂獵戶臂lie4 hu4 bi4Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our solar system)
猎手獵手lie4 shou3hunter
猎捕獵捕lie4 bu3to hunt/ hunting
猎枪獵槍lie4 qiang1hunting gun/ shotgun
猎杀獵殺lie4 sha1to kill (in hunting)
猎杀红色十月号獵殺紅色十月號Lie4 sha1 Hong2 se4 Shi2 yue4 hao4"The Hunt for Red October", a novel by Tom Clancy
猎潜獵潛lie4 qian2anti-submarine (warfare)
猎潜艇獵潛艇lie4 qian2 ting3anti-submarine vessel
猎物獵物lie4 wu4prey
猎犬獵犬lie4 quan3hound/ hunting dog
猎犬座獵犬座Lie4 quan3 zuo4Canes Venatici (constellation)
猎狗獵狗lie4 gou3hunting dog




2021-05-26, 496👍, 0💬