
狗 [gou3]


汉字:狗 / 拼音:gou3

gǒu dog/ CL:隻|只[zhi1],條|条[tiao2]


京巴狗京巴狗Jing1 ba1 gou3Pekingese (dog breed)
人模狗样人模狗樣ren2 mo2 gou3 yang4(idiom) to pose/ to put on airs
偷鸡摸狗偷雞摸狗tou1 ji1 mo1 gou3to imitate the dog and steal chicken (idiom)/ to pilfer/ to dally with women/ to have affairs
儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧er2 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2a son won't abandon his mother for being ugly, just as a dog won't abandon its owner for being poor (proverb)
兔死狗烹兔死狗烹tu4 si3 gou3 peng1lit. to boil the hound once it caught the rabbit (idiom)/ fig. to get rid of sb once he has served his purpose
八哥狗八哥狗ba1 ge1 gou3pug (breed of dog)
冠鱼狗冠魚狗guan1 yu2 gou3(bird species of China) crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris)
叭啦狗叭啦狗ba1 la1 gou3bulldog
周狗周狗zhou1 gou3obedient dog/ lackey
咬人狗儿不露齿咬人狗兒不露齒yao3 ren2 gou3 r5 bu4 lu4 chi3lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs (idiom)/ fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance.
咬人的狗不露齿咬人的狗不露齒yao3 ren2 de5 gou3 bu4 lou4 chi3lit. the dog that bites doesn't show its teeth (idiom)/ fig. the most sinister of people can look quite harmless
哈巴狗哈巴狗ha3 ba1 gou3pekingese (dog)/ (fig.) sycophant/ lackey
唐狗唐狗tang2 gou3mongrel
丧家之狗喪家之狗sang4 jia1 zhi1 gou3see 喪家之犬|丧家之犬[sang4 jia1 zhi1 quan3]
单身狗單身狗dan1 shen1 gou3(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly)
土狗土狗tu3 gou3native dog/ mole cricket (colloquial word for agricultural pest Gryllotalpa 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1])
嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗jia4 ji1 sui2 ji1 , jia4 gou3 sui2 gou3if you marry a chicken follow the chicken, if you marry a dog follow the dog (idiom)
子不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫子不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧zi3 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2see 兒不嫌母醜,狗不嫌家貧|儿不嫌母丑,狗不嫌家贫[er2 bu4 xian2 mu3 chou3 , gou3 bu4 xian2 jia1 pin2]
小狗小狗xiao3 gou3pup/ puppy
巴儿狗巴兒狗ba1 r5 gou3see 哈巴狗[ha3 ba1 gou3]
引狗入寨引狗入寨yin3 gou3 ru4 zhai4to lead the dog into the village (idiom)/ to introduce a potential source of trouble
悬羊头卖狗肉懸羊頭賣狗肉xuan2 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4see 掛羊頭賣狗肉|挂羊头卖狗肉[gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4]
戌狗戌狗xu1 gou3Year 11, year of the Dog (e.g. 2006)
打狗打狗Da3 gou3Takow, Takao or Takau, old name for Kaohsiung 高雄[Gao1 xiong2] in the southwest of Taiwan
打狗欺主打狗欺主da3 gou3 qi1 zhu3to beat a dog and bully its owner/ fig. to humiliate sb indirectly by bullying a subordinate
打狗还得看主人打狗還得看主人da3 gou3 hai2 dei3 kan4 zhu3 ren2lit. when one beats a dog, one must answer to its master (idiom)/ fig. before punishing sb, one should consider how that would affect others associated with him
打落水狗打落水狗da3 luo4 shui3 gou3lit. to beat a drowning dog (idiom)/ fig. to pulverize an (already defeated) enemy/ to hit sb when he's down
指鸡骂狗指雞罵狗zhi3 ji1 ma4 gou3lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom)/ fig. to make indirect criticisms
挂羊头卖狗肉掛羊頭賣狗肉gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom)/ fig. to cheat/ dishonest advertising/ wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue
搜狗搜狗Sou1 gou3Sougou (searching dog) search engine, www.sogou.com




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