
牛 [Niu2 niu2]


汉字:牛 / 拼音:Niu2 niu2

niú surname Niu
niú ox/ cow/ bull/ CL:條|条[tiao2],頭|头[tou2]/ newton (abbr. for 牛頓|牛顿[niu2 dun4])/ (slang) awesome


一对一斗牛一對一鬥牛yi1 dui4 yi1 dou4 niu2one-on-one basketball game
丁骨牛排丁骨牛排ding1 gu3 niu2 pai2T-bone steak
三对三斗牛三對三鬥牛san1 dui4 san1 dou4 niu2three-on-three basketball game
不加牛奶不加牛奶bu4 jia1 niu2 nai3without milk/ black (of tea, coffee etc)
丑牛丑牛chou3 niu2Year 2, year of the Bull or Ox (e.g. 2009)
九牛一毛九牛一毛jiu3 niu2 yi1 mao2lit. one hair from nine oxen (idiom)/ fig. a drop in the ocean
九牛二虎之力九牛二虎之力jiu3 niu2 er4 hu3 zhi1 li4tremendous strength (idiom)
乳牛乳牛ru3 niu2dairy cattle
人造牛油人造牛油ren2 zao4 niu2 you2margarine
伏牛山伏牛山Fu2 niu2 shan1Funiu mountain range in southwest Henan, an eastern extension of Qinling range 秦嶺山脈|秦岭山脉[Qin2 ling3 shan1 mai4], Shaanxi
做牛做马做牛做馬zuo4 niu2 zuo4 ma3lit. to work like an ox, to work like a horse; fig. to work extremely hard
公牛公牛gong1 niu2bull
初生牛犊不怕虎初生牛犢不怕虎chu1 sheng1 niu2 du2 bu4 pa4 hu3lit. newborn calves do not fear tigers (idiom)/ fig. the young are fearless
割鸡焉用牛刀割雞焉用牛刀ge1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken? (idiom)/ fig. to waste effort on a trifling matter/ also written 殺雞焉用牛刀|杀鸡焉用牛刀[sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1]
原牛原牛yuan2 niu2aurochs (Bos primigenius), extinct wild ox
吴牛见月吳牛見月Wu2 niu2 jian4 yue4cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun
吹牛吹牛chui1 niu2to talk big/ to shoot off one's mouth/ to chat (dialect)
吹牛拍马吹牛拍馬chui1 niu2 pai1 ma3to resort to bragging and flattering
吹牛皮吹牛皮chui1 niu2 pi2to boast/ to talk big
呼牛作马呼牛作馬hu1 niu2 zuo4 ma3to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/ Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
呼牛呼马呼牛呼馬hu1 niu2 hu1 ma3to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/ Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me.
土牛土牛tu3 niu2clay ox/ mound of earth on a dike (ready for emergency repairs)
土牛木马土牛木馬tu3 niu2 mu4 ma3clay ox, wooden horse (idiom); shape without substance/ worthless object
地牛翻身地牛翻身di4 niu2 fan1 shen1(Tw) (coll.) earthquake (According to a folk tale, earthquakes are caused by the occasional movements of an ox that lives under the earth.)
多如牛毛多如牛毛duo1 ru2 niu2 mao2as numerous as the hairs of an ox (idiom)/ innumerable/ countless
大牛大牛da4 niu2(coll.) leading light/ superstar/ badass/ (coll.) higher-priced model of Lamborghini
天牛天牛tian1 niu2Longhorn beetle
奶牛奶牛nai3 niu2milk cow/ dairy cow
奶牛场奶牛場nai3 niu2 chang3dairy farm
安格斯牛安格斯牛An1 ge2 si1 niu2Angus, Scottish breed of beef cattle




2021-05-08, 465👍, 0💬