
牙 [ya2]


汉字:牙 / 拼音:ya2

tooth/ ivory/ CL:顆|颗[ke1]


上牙膛上牙膛shang4 ya2 tang2palate (roof of the mouth)
乳牙乳牙ru3 ya2deciduous tooth/ milk tooth/ baby tooth
亚曼牙亞曼牙Ya4 man4 ya2Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang
亚曼牙乡亞曼牙鄉Ya4 man4 ya2 xiang1Yamanya township in Shule county, Kashgar, Xinjiang
以牙还牙以牙還牙yi3 ya2 huan2 ya2a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
以眼还眼,以牙还牙以眼還眼,以牙還牙yi3 yan3 huan2 yan3 , yi3 ya2 huan2 ya2an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (idiom)/ fig. to use the enemy's methods against him/ to give sb a taste of his own medicine
伶牙俐齿伶牙俐齒ling2 ya2 li4 chi3clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent/ having the gift of the gab
佛牙佛牙Fo2 ya2Buddha's tooth (a holy relic)
假牙假牙jia3 ya2false teeth/ dentures
假象牙假象牙jia3 xiang4 ya2celluloid
切牙切牙qie1 ya2incisor tooth
刷牙刷牙shua1 ya2to brush one's teeth
剔牙剔牙ti1 ya2to pick one's teeth
匈牙利匈牙利Xiong1 ya2 li4Hungary
匈牙利语匈牙利語Xiong1 ya2 li4 yu3Hungarian language
吽牙吽牙ou1 ya2sound of dogs fighting, also written 吽呀[ou1 ya2]
呲牙咧嘴呲牙咧嘴zi1 ya2 lie3 zui3to grimace (in pain)/ to show one's teeth/ to bare one's fangs
咬定牙根咬定牙根yao3 ding4 ya2 gen1see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
咬定牙关咬定牙關yao3 ding4 ya2 guan1see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
咬牙咬牙yao3 ya2to clench one's teeth/ to grind the teeth/ gnaw
咬牙切齿咬牙切齒yao3 ya2 qie4 chi3gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger/ fuming with rage between gritted teeth
咬紧牙根咬緊牙根yao3 jin3 ya2 gen1see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]
咬紧牙关咬緊牙關yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain/ to bite the bullet
喝凉水都塞牙喝涼水都塞牙he1 liang2 shui3 dou1 sai1 ya2(coll.) to be out of luck
基牙基牙ji1 ya2abutment tooth (dentistry)
塞牙塞牙sai1 ya2to get food stuck between one's teeth
姜子牙姜子牙Jiang1 Zi3 ya2Jiang Ziya (c. 1100 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), partly mythical sage advisor to King Wen of Zhou 周文王[Zhou1 Wen2 wang2] and purported author of “Six Secret Strategic Teachings” 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]
尖牙尖牙jian1 ya2canine tooth/ fang/ tusk
尾牙尾牙wei3 ya2a year-end dinner for employees
巨牙鲨巨牙鯊ju4 ya2 sha1megalodon (Carcharodon megalodon)




2021-04-30, 739👍, 0💬