
燭 [zhu2]


汉字:燭 / 拼音:zhu2

zhú candle/ (literary) to illuminate


倒吊蜡烛倒吊蠟燭dao4 diao4 la4 zhu2Wrightia tinctoria (flowering plant in Apocynaceae family, common names dyer's oleander or pala indigo)
洞房花烛洞房花燭dong4 fang2 hua1 zhu2bridal room and ornamented candles/ wedding festivities (idiom)
洞房花烛夜洞房花燭夜dong4 fang2 hua1 zhu2 ye4wedding night
火烛火燭huo3 zhu2fire and candles/ household things that burn
炳烛炳燭bing3 zhu2by bright candlelight
zhu2candle/ (literary) to illuminate
烛光燭光zhu2 guang1candle light/ candle-lit (vigil etc)/ candela, unit of luminous intensity (cd)
烛架燭架zhu2 jia4candlestick holder/ candlestand/ candelabra
烛泪燭淚zhu2 lei4drop of melted wax that runs down the side of a candle
烛火燭火zhu2 huo3candle flame
烛台燭臺zhu2 tai2candlestick/ candle holder
秉烛秉燭bing3 zhu2variant of 炳燭|炳烛[bing3 zhu2]
红烛紅燭hong2 zhu2red candle (used during birthdays and other celebrations)
圣烛节聖燭節Sheng4 zhu2 jie2Candlemas (Christian Festival on 2nd February)
蜡烛蠟燭la4 zhu2candle/ CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
蜡烛不点不亮蠟燭不點不亮la4 zhu2 bu4 dian3 bu4 liang4some people have to be pushed for them to take action
蜡烛两头烧蠟燭兩頭燒la4 zhu2 liang3 tou2 shao1to burn the candle at both ends (idiom)/ to labor under a double burden
风中之烛風中之燭feng1 zhong1 zhi1 zhu2lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/ fig. (of sb's life) feeble/ hanging on a thread
风中烛,瓦上霜風中燭,瓦上霜feng1 zhong1 zhu2 , wa3 shang4 shuang1lit. like a candle in the wind, or frost on the roof (idiom)/ fig. (of sb's life) feeble/ hanging on a thread
风烛残年風燭殘年feng1 zhu2 can2 nian2one's late days/ to have one foot in the grave
香烛香燭xiang1 zhu2joss stick and candle



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