
熱 [re4]


汉字:熱 / 拼音:re4

to warm up/ to heat up/ hot (of weather)/ heat/ fervent


一头热一頭熱yi1 tou2 re4one-sided enthusiasm (abbr. for 剃頭挑子一頭熱|剃头挑子一头热[ti4 tou2 tiao1 zi5 yi1 tou2 re4])
七日热七日熱qi1 ri4 re4leptospirosis
三分钟热度三分鐘熱度san1 fen1 zhong1 re4 du4brief period of enthusiasm/ flash in the pan
上热搜上熱搜shang4 re4 sou1(Internet) (of a search query) to be trending
五讲四美三热爱五講四美三熱愛wu3 jiang3 si4 mei3 san1 re4 ai4the five emphases, four beauties and three loves (PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism)
亚热带亞熱帶ya4 re4 dai4subtropical (zone or climate)
伴热伴熱ban4 re4steam or heat tracing
低热低熱di1 re4a low fever (up to 38°C)
供热供熱gong1 re4heating (for a building)/ to supply heating
传热傳熱chuan2 re4heat transfer/ heat transmission
传热学傳熱學zhuan4 re4 xue2theory of heat/ heat transmission (physics)
兔热病兔熱病tu4 re4 bing4tularemia/ rabbit fever
内行看门道,外行看热闹內行看門道,外行看熱鬧nei4 hang2 kan4 men2 dao5 , wai4 hang2 kan4 re4 nao5while the connoisseur recognizes the artistry, the layman simply enjoys the show
典型登革热典型登革熱dian3 xing2 deng1 ge2 re4dengue fever
冰炭不言,冷热自明冰炭不言,冷熱自明bing1 tan4 bu4 yan2 , leng3 re4 zi4 ming2ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words
冷嘲热讽冷嘲熱諷leng3 chao2 re4 feng3frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule
冷热度数冷熱度數leng3 re4 du4 shu4temperature (esp. of medical patient)
冷热病冷熱病leng3 re4 bing4malaria
出血性登革热出血性登革熱chu1 xue4 xing4 deng1 ge2 re4dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
出血热出血熱chu1 xue4 re4hemorrhage fever
剃头挑子一头热剃頭挑子一頭熱ti4 tou2 tiao1 zi5 yi1 tou2 re4lit. only one end of the barber's pole is hot (idiom)/ fig. one-sided enthusiasm/ one party is interested, but the other, not so much/ (Note: In former days, street barbers carried their equipment on a pole, with tools and a stool at one end and a brazier at the other.)
副热带副熱帶fu4 re4 dai4subtropical (zone or climate)
加热加熱jia1 re4to heat
原始热带雨林原始熱帶雨林yuan2 shi3 re4 dai4 yu3 lin2virgin tropical rainforest
受热受熱shou4 re4heated/ sunstroke
吃屎都赶不上热乎的吃屎都趕不上熱乎的chi1 shi3 dou1 gan3 bu5 shang4 re4 hu5 de5lit. if you were eating warm shit, it'd be stone cold by the time you finished it (idiom)/ fig. (of a person) too slow/ can't keep up
吸热吸熱xi1 re4heat absorption
回归热回歸熱hui2 gui1 re4recurring fever
固体热容激光器固體熱容激光器gu4 ti3 re4 rong2 ji1 guang1 qi4solid state hot condensed laser (SSHCL)
地热地熱di4 re4geothermal




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