
煩 [fan2]


汉字:煩 / 拼音:fan2

fán to feel vexed/ to bother/ to trouble/ superfluous and confusing/ edgy


不胜其烦不勝其煩bu4 sheng4 qi2 fan2to be pestered beyond endurance
不厌其烦不厭其煩bu4 yan4 qi2 fan2not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/ to take great pains/ to be very patient
不耐烦不耐煩bu4 nai4 fan2impatient/ to lose patience
劳烦勞煩lao2 fan2to inconvenience/ to trouble (sb with a request)
厌烦厭煩yan4 fan2bored/ fed up with sth/ sick of sth
娄烦婁煩Lou2 fan2Loufan county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi
娄烦县婁煩縣Lou2 fan2 xian4Loufan county in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi
心烦心煩xin1 fan2to feel agitated/ to be troubled/ to be annoyed/ an upset or distraction
心烦意乱心煩意亂xin1 fan2 yi4 luan4lit. heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil (idiom); distraught with anxiety
心烦气躁心煩氣躁xin1 fan2 qi4 zao4agitated/ annoyed (idiom)
惹人心烦惹人心煩re3 ren2 xin1 fan2to annoy people/ to be a pain in the neck
惹麻烦惹麻煩re3 ma2 fan5to create difficulties/ to invite trouble/ to be troublesome
找麻烦找麻煩zhao3 ma2 fan5to look for trouble
活得不耐烦活得不耐煩huo2 de5 bu4 nai4 fan2to be tired of living/ (coll.) to be asking for trouble
添麻烦添麻煩tian1 ma2 fan5to cause trouble for sb/ to inconvenience
fan2to feel vexed/ to bother/ to trouble/ superfluous and confusing/ edgy
烦乱煩亂fan2 luan4anxious/ agitated
烦人煩人fan2 ren2to annoy/ annoying/ irritating/ troublesome
烦冗煩冗fan2 rong3diverse and complicated (of one's affairs)/ prolix (of speech, writing etc)
烦冤煩冤fan2 yuan1frustrated/ agitated/ distressed
烦劳煩勞fan2 lao2to put sb to trouble (of doing sth)/ vexation/ inconvenience
烦心事煩心事fan2 xin1 shi4trouble/ worry
烦闷煩悶fan2 men4moody/ gloomy
烦恼煩惱fan2 nao3to be worried/ to be distressed/ worries
烦忧煩憂fan2 you1to worry/ to fret
烦扰煩擾fan2 rao3to bother/ to disturb/ to vex
烦琐煩瑣fan2 suo3tedious/ convoluted/ fiddly/ pedantic
烦腻煩膩fan2 ni4fed up
烦请煩請fan2 qing3(courteous) would you please ...
烦躁煩躁fan2 zao4jittery/ twitchy/ fidgety




2021-05-10, 619👍, 0💬