
阔 [kuo4]


汉字:阔 / 拼音:kuo4

kuò variant of 闊|阔[kuo4]


久阔久闊jiu3 kuo4a long period of separation
壮阔壯闊zhuang4 kuo4grand/ majestic/ vast
大刀阔斧大刀闊斧da4 dao1 kuo4 fu3bold and decisive
宽阔寬闊kuan1 kuo4expansive/ wide/ width/ thickness
广阔廣闊guang3 kuo4wide/ vast
心胸开阔心胸開闊xin1 xiong1 kai1 kuo4broad-minded/ open-minded
摆阔擺闊bai3 kuo4to parade one's wealth/ to be ostentatious and extravagant
昂首阔步昂首闊步ang2 shou3 kuo4 bu4striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step/ to strut
旷阔曠闊kuang4 kuo4vast
波澜壮阔波瀾壯闊bo1 lan2 zhuang4 kuo4surging forward with great momentum/ unfolding on a magnificent scale
浩阔浩闊hao4 kuo4vast
海阔天空海闊天空hai3 kuo4 tian1 kong1wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas/ the whole wide world/ chatting about everything under the sun
kuo4variant of 闊|阔[kuo4]
生活阔绰生活闊綽sheng1 huo2 kuo4 chuo4a flashy lifestyle/ to live it up
疏阔疏闊shu1 kuo4inaccurate/ slipshod/ poorly thought-out/ distant/ vague/ long-separated/ broadly scattered
窝阔台窩闊臺Wo1 kuo4 tai2Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan
窝阔台汗窩闊臺汗Wo1 kuo4 tai2 han2Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan
背阔肌背闊肌bei4 kuo4 ji1latissimus dorsi muscle (back of the chest)
迂阔迂闊yu1 kuo4high sounding and impractical/ high flown nonsense
辽阔遼闊liao2 kuo4vast/ extensive
银胸阔嘴鸟銀胸闊嘴鳥yin2 xiong1 kuo4 zui3 niao3(bird species of China) silver-breasted broadbill (Serilophus lunatus)
长尾阔嘴鸟長尾闊嘴鳥chang2 wei3 kuo4 zui3 niao3(bird species of China) long-tailed broadbill (Psarisomus dalhousiae)
开阔開闊kai1 kuo4wide/ open (spaces)/ to open up
kuo4rich/ wide/ broad
阔人闊人kuo4 ren2rich person/ the rich
阔佬闊佬kuo4 lao3wealthy person/ millionaire
阔别闊別kuo4 bie2separated for a long time
阔嘴鹬闊嘴鷸kuo4 zui3 yu4(bird species of China) broad-billed sandpiper (Limicola falcinellus)
阔度闊度kuo4 du4breadth
阔步闊步kuo4 bu4to stride forward




2021-04-20, 564👍, 0💬