
潮 [chao2]


汉字:潮 / 拼音:chao2

cháo tide/ current/ damp/ moist/ humid


干潮乾潮gan1 chao2low tide/ low water
人潮人潮ren2 chao2a tide of people
低潮低潮di1 chao2low tide/ low ebb
佳评如潮佳評如潮jia1 ping2 ru2 chao2a hit/ tremendous popularity
来潮來潮lai2 chao2(of water) to rise/ rising tide/ (of women) to get one's period
初潮初潮chu1 chao2menarche
反高潮反高潮fan3 gao1 chao2anticlimax
受潮受潮shou4 chao2damp/ affected by damp and cold
回潮回潮hui2 chao2to become moist again/ to revive (usually of sth bad)/ resurgence
大潮大潮da4 chao2spring tide/ (fig.) momentous social change
婴儿潮嬰兒潮ying1 er2 chao2baby boom
学潮學潮xue2 chao2student protest/ campus unrest
寒潮寒潮han2 chao2cold wave/ CL:股[gu3]
小潮小潮xiao3 chao2neap tide (the smallest tide, when moon is at first or third quarter)
心潮澎湃心潮澎湃xin1 chao2 peng2 pai4to be overwhelmed by emotions
心血来潮心血來潮xin1 xue4 lai2 chao2to be prompted by a sudden impulse/ carried away by a whim/ to have a brainstorm
怒潮怒潮nu4 chao2(tidal) bore/ raging tide
思潮思潮si1 chao2tide of thought/ way of thinking characteristic of a historical period/ Zeitgeist
思潮起伏思潮起伏si1 chao2 qi3 fu2thoughts surging in one's mind (idiom)/ different thoughts coming to mind
性交高潮性交高潮xing4 jiao1 gao1 chao2orgasm
性欲高潮性慾高潮xing4 yu4 gao1 chao2orgasm
性高潮性高潮xing4 gao1 chao2orgasm/ climax
招潮蟹招潮蟹zhao1 chao2 xie4fiddler crab (genus Uca)
新潮新潮xin1 chao2modern/ fashionable
暗潮暗潮an4 chao2undercurrent
最低潮最低潮zui4 di1 chao2lit. low tide/ fig. the lowest point (e.g. of a relationship)
朔望潮朔望潮shuo4 wang4 chao2spring tide (biggest tide, at new moon or full moon)
浪潮浪潮lang4 chao2wave/ tides
海潮海潮hai3 chao2tide
淘金潮淘金潮tao2 jin1 chao2gold rush




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