
漠 [mo4]


汉字:漠 / 拼音:mo4

desert/ unconcerned


亚洲漠地林莺亞洲漠地林鶯Ya4 zhou1 mo4 di4 lin2 ying1(bird species of China) Asian desert warbler (Sylvia nana)
冷漠冷漠leng3 mo4cold and detached towards sb/ lack of regard/ indifference/ neglect
冷漠对待冷漠對待leng3 mo4 dui4 dai4cold and detached towards sb/ lack of regard/ indifference/ neglect
古尔班通古特沙漠古爾班通古特沙漠Gu3 er3 ban1 tong1 gu3 te4 Sha1 mo4Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang
塔克拉玛干沙漠塔克拉瑪干沙漠Ta3 ke4 la1 ma3 gan1 Sha1 mo4Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang
大漠大漠da4 mo4desert
库姆塔格沙漠庫姆塔格沙漠Ku4 mu3 ta3 ge2 Sha1 mo4Kumutage (or Kumtag) Desert, northwestern China
广漠廣漠guang3 mo4vast and empty
微漠微漠wei1 mo4faint (almost inaudible or invisible)
恬漠恬漠tian2 mo4indifferent and undisturbed
戈壁沙漠戈壁沙漠Ge1 bi4 Sha1 mo4Gobi Desert
撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠Sa3 ha1 la1 Sha1 mo4Sahara Desert
沙漠沙漠sha1 mo4desert/ CL:個|个[ge4]
沙漠之狐沙漠之狐Sha1 mo4 zhi1 Hu2Desert Fox
沙漠化沙漠化sha1 mo4 hua4desertification
流动性大沙漠流動性大沙漠liu2 dong4 xing4 da4 sha1 mo4shifting sand dunes
淡漠淡漠dan4 mo4apathetic/ indifferent/ unsympathetic
mo4desert/ unconcerned
漠不关心漠不關心mo4 bu4 guan1 xin1not the least bit concerned/ completely indifferent
漠北漠北Mo4 bei3Outer Mongolia (lit. north of the Gobi Desert)
漠南漠南Mo4 nan2Inner Mongolia (lit. south of the Gobi Desert)
漠河漠河Mo4 he2Mohe county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang
漠河县漠河縣Mo4 he2 xian4Mohe county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang
漠然漠然mo4 ran2indifferent/ apathetic/ cold
漠然置之漠然置之mo4 ran2 zhi4 zhi1to set to one side and ignore (idiom); quite indifferent/ cold and uncaring
漠视漠視mo4 shi4to ignore/ to neglect/ to treat with contempt
漠鵖漠鵖mo4 bi1(bird species of China) desert wheatear (Oenanthe deserti)
荒漠荒漠huang1 mo4barren
荒漠伯劳荒漠伯勞huang1 mo4 bo2 lao2(bird species of China) isabelline shrike (Lanius isabellinus)
荒漠化荒漠化huang1 mo4 hua4desertification




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