
沃 [wo4]


汉字:沃 / 拼音:wo4

fertile/ rich/ to irrigate/ to wash (of river)


以汤沃沸以湯沃沸yi3 tang1 wo4 fei4to manage a situation badly (idiom)
加沃特加沃特jia1 wo4 te4gavotte, French dance popular in 18th century (loanword)
博斯沃思博斯沃思Bo2 si1 wo4 si1Bosworth (name)/ Stephen Bosworth (1939-), US academic and diplomat, special representative for policy on North Korea from 2009
密尔沃基密爾沃基Mi4 er3 wo4 ji1Milwaukee (city)
希沃特希沃特xi1 wo4 te4sievert (Sv), unit of radiation damage used in radiotherapy
德沃夏克德沃夏克De2 wo4 xia4 ke4Antonin Dvořák (1841-1904), Bohemian composer, author of nine symphonies including the New World symphony
爱德斯沃尔愛德斯沃爾Ai4 de2 si1 wo4 er3Eidsvoll (city in Norway)
爱玛·沃特森愛瑪·沃特森Ai4 ma3 · Wo4 te4 sen1Emma Watson (1990-), British actress
斯沃琪斯沃琪Si1 wo4 qi2Swatch (Swiss brand)
曲沃曲沃Qu3 wo4Quwo county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi
曲沃县曲沃縣Qu3 wo4 xian4Quwo county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi
wo4fertile/ rich/ to irrigate/ to wash (of river)
沃伦沃倫Wo4 lun2Warren (name)
沃伦·巴菲特沃倫·巴菲特Wo4 lun2 · Ba1 fei1 te4Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Omaha, US investor and philanthropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway
沃克斯豪尔沃克斯豪爾Wo4 ke4 si1 hao2 er3Vauxhall (English car brand and city)
沃土沃土wo4 tu3fertile land
沃壤沃壤wo4 rang3fertile soil
沃州沃州Wo4 zhou1Vaud province of Switzerland
沃水沃水Wo4 shui3Wo river in Shanxi
沃灌沃灌wo4 guan4to irrigate/ to wash with water
沃尔夫沃爾夫Wo4 er3 fu1Wolf, Woolf (name)
沃尔夫斯堡沃爾夫斯堡Wo4 er3 fu1 si1 bao3Wolfsburg
沃尔夫奖沃爾夫獎wo4 er3 fu1 jiang3the Wolf prize (for science and arts)
沃尔沃沃爾沃Wo4 er3 wo4Volvo (Swedish car company)
沃尔特·惠特曼沃爾特·惠特曼Wo4 er3 te4 · Hui4 te4 man4Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet, essayist and journalist
沃尔玛沃爾瑪Wo4 er3 ma3Wal-Mart, Walmart (retailer)
沃尔芬森沃爾芬森Wo4 er3 fen1 sen1Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name)
沃特森沃特森Wo4 te4 sen1Watson (name)
沃罗涅日沃羅湼日Wo4 luo2 nie4 ri4Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia
沃衍沃衍wo4 yan3rich and fertile (soil)




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