
殼 [qiao4]


汉字:殼 / 拼音:qiao4

qiào shell/ carapace/ crust (earth's crust etc)/ also pr. [ke2]


介壳介殼jie4 qiao4carapace/ hard outer shell
地壳地殼di4 qiao4the Earth's crust
地壳运动地殼運動di4 qiao4 yun4 dong4crustal movement/ movement of tectonic plates
外壳外殼wai4 ke2envelope/ outer shell/ hull/ cover/ case
大洋型地壳大洋型地殼da4 yang2 xing2 di4 qiao4oceanic crust (geology)
安全壳安全殼an1 quan2 ke2containment vessel
屎壳郎屎殼郎shi3 ke2 lang4see 屎蚵螂[shi3 ke1 lang2]
巴豆壳巴豆殼ba1 dou4 ke2bark of Croton tiglium used as purgative
弹壳彈殼dan4 ke2ammunition case
枳壳枳殼zhi3 qiao4bitter orange (Fructus aurantii) (used in TCM)
椰壳椰殼ye1 ke2coconut shell
椰壳纤维椰殼纖維ye1 ke2 xian1 wei2coconut fiber/ coir
榆木脑壳榆木腦殼yu2 mu4 nao3 ke2bullet-headed/ stubborn
机壳機殼ji1 qiao4case, casing, cabinet or housing (of a computer, photocopier etc)
qiao4shell/ carapace/ crust (earth's crust etc)/ also pr. [ke2]
壳儿殼兒ke2 r5shell/ crust
壳幔殼幔ke2 man4crust-mantle (geology)
壳牌殼牌Qiao4 pai2see 殼牌公司|壳牌公司[Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1]
壳牌公司殼牌公司Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1Shell (oil company)
壳质殼質qiao4 zhi4chitin
壳郎猪殼郎豬ke2 lang5 zhu1(coll.) feeder pig
油底壳油底殼you2 di3 ke2oil sump
洋底地壳洋底地殼yang2 di3 di4 qiao4oceanic crust (geology)
洋壳洋殼yang2 qiao4oceanic crust (geology)
乌龟壳烏龜殼wu1 gui1 ke2tortoise shell
无壳族無殼族wu2 ke2 zu2see 無殼蝸牛|无壳蜗牛[wu2 ke2 wo1 niu2]
无壳蜗牛無殼蝸牛wu2 ke2 wo1 niu2fig. people who cannot afford to buy their own house
玳瑁壳玳瑁殼dai4 mao4 ke2tortoise shell
甲壳甲殼jia3 qiao4carapace/ crust/ outer shell/ also pr. [jia3 ke2]
甲壳动物甲殼動物jia3 qiao4 dong4 wu4crustacean




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