
段 [Duan4 duan4]


汉字:段 / 拼音:Duan4 duan4

duàn surname Duan
duàn paragraph/ section/ segment/ stage (of a process)/ classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc


NG片段NG片段N G pian4 duan4(film and TV) blooper
一折两段一折兩段yi1 zhe2 liang3 duan4to split sth into two (idiom)
三段论三段論san1 duan4 lun4syllogism (deduction in logic)
上坡段上坡段shang4 po1 duan4uphill section (of a race)
不择手段不擇手段bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4by fair means or foul/ by hook or by crook/ unscrupulously
中段中段zhong1 duan4middle section/ middle period/ middle area/ mid-
代码段代碼段dai4 ma3 duan4code segment
八段锦八段錦ba1 duan4 jin3"eight pieces of brocade," a set of qigong exercises with assumed medical benefits
分段分段fen1 duan4segment
前段前段qian2 duan4front part (of an object)/ first part (of an event)/ previous paragraph
前段时间前段時間qian2 duan4 shi2 jian1recently
告一段落告一段落gao4 yi1 duan4 luo4to come to the end of a phase (idiom)
唱段唱段chang4 duan4aria (in opera)
地段地段di4 duan4section/ district
字段字段zi4 duan4(numeric, data) field
小段子小段子xiao3 duan4 zi5short paragraph/ news article
后段後段hou4 duan4final part/ rear/ back end/ final segment/ the following section/ last paragraph
手段手段shou3 duan4method/ means (of doing sth)/ strategy/ trick/ CL:個|个[ge4]
拼音阶段拼音階段pin1 yin1 jie1 duan4alphabetic stage
放下身段放下身段fang4 xia4 shen1 duan4to get off one's high horse (idiom)/ to dispense with posturing (and adopt a more humble or empathetic attitude)
数据段數據段shu4 ju4 duan4data segment
新阶段新階段xin1 jie1 duan4new level/ higher plane
时段時段shi2 duan4time interval/ work shift/ time slot/ the twelve two-hour divisions of the day
时段分析時段分析shi2 duan4 fen1 xi1time interval analysis
末段末段mo4 duan4final segment/ last stage
桥段橋段qiao2 duan4(cinema, literature etc) scene/ trope/ plot device/ (songwriting) bridge
机务段機務段ji1 wu4 duan4locomotive depot
横段山脉橫段山脈Heng2 duan4 shan1 mai4Hengduan mountains dividing Sichuan from Tibet
款段款段kuan3 duan4(literary) pony/ (of a horse) walking leisurely
Duan4surname Duan




2021-05-17, 482👍, 0💬