
槽 [cao2]


汉字:槽 / 拼音:cao2

cáo trough/ manger/ groove/ channel/ (Tw) (computing) hard drive


三马同槽三馬同槽san1 ma3 tong2 cao2three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司馬懿|司马懿[Si1 ma3 Yi4] and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof
倒槽倒槽dao3 cao2to die out (of livestock)
凹槽凹槽ao1 cao2recess/ notch/ groove/ fillister
吐槽吐槽tu4 cao2(slang) to roast/ to ridicule/ also pr. [tu3 cao2]
插槽插槽cha1 cao2slot
cao2trough/ manger/ groove/ channel/ (Tw) (computing) hard drive
槽位槽位cao2 wei4slot
槽坊槽坊cao2 fang5brewery/ papermaking craft shop (in former times)
槽孔槽孔cao2 kong3slot/ groove/ slotted hole
槽牙槽牙cao2 ya2molar tooth
槽车槽車cao2 che1tanker (truck)
槽钢槽鋼cao2 gang1steel groove/ V-shaped steel bar
槽头槽頭cao2 tou2feeding trough in stable
槽齿目槽齒目cao2 chi3 mu4Thecodontia (obsolete taxonomic grouping of reptiles)
槽齿类槽齒類cao2 chi3 lei4thecodont (type of reptile that existed in the Permian and Triassic Periods)
水槽水槽shui3 cao2sink
水落归槽水落歸槽shui3 luo4 gui1 cao2spilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. people remember where they belong
河槽河槽he2 cao2river bed/ channel
洗涤槽洗滌槽xi3 di2 cao2washing tank/ sink
溜槽溜槽liu1 cao2sluice/ chute
沟槽溝槽gou1 cao2groove/ furrow/ trench
牛骥同槽牛驥同槽niu2 ji4 tong2 cao2cow and famous steed at the same trough (idiom); fig. the common and the great are treated alike/ also written 牛驥同皂|牛骥同皂[niu2 ji4 tong2 zao4]
胸槽胸槽xiong1 cao2cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)
卧槽臥槽wo4 cao2(Internet slang) (substitute for 我肏[wo3 cao4]) fuck/ WTF
跳槽跳槽tiao4 cao2to change jobs/ job-hopping
键槽鍵槽jian4 cao2key slot
食槽食槽shi2 cao2manger
饲槽飼槽si4 cao2feeding trough
马槽馬槽ma3 cao2manger



2021-05-17, 470👍, 0💬