
植 [zhi2]


汉字:植 / 拼音:zhi2

zhí to plant


全民义务植树日全民義務植樹日Quan2 min2 Yi4 wu4 Zhi2 shu4 ri4National Tree Planting Day (March 12th), as known as Arbor Day 植樹節|植树节[Zhi2 shu4 jie2]
冠状动脉旁路移植手术冠狀動脈旁路移植手術guan1 zhuang4 dong4 mai4 pang2 lu4 yi2 zhi2 shou3 shu4coronary bypass operation
动植物動植物dong4 zhi2 wu4plants and animals/ flora and fauna
动植物分类動植物分類dong4 zhi2 wu4 fen1 lei4taxonomy
可移植可移植ke3 yi2 zhi2portable (programming language)
可移植性可移植性ke3 yi2 zhi2 xing4portability (programming language)
培植培植pei2 zhi2to cultivate/ to train/ cultivation/ training
多肉植物多肉植物duo1 rou4 zhi2 wu4succulent (plant)
密植密植mi4 zhi2close planting
常绿植物常綠植物chang2 lu:4 zhi2 wu4evergreen plant
扶植扶植fu2 zhi2to foster/ to support
持续性植物人状态持續性植物人狀態chi2 xu4 xing4 zhi2 wu4 ren2 zhuang4 tai4persistent vegetative state
持续性植物状态持續性植物狀態chi2 xu4 xing4 zhi2 wu4 zhuang4 tai4persistent vegetative state (medicine)
曹植曹植Cao2 Zhi2Cao Zhi (192-232), son of Cao Cao 曹操, noted poet and calligrapher
木本植物木本植物mu4 ben3 zhi2 wu4woody plant
栽植栽植zai1 zhi2to plant/ to transplant
桑植桑植Sang1 zhi2Shangzhi county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan
桑植县桑植縣Sang1 zhi2 xian4Shangzhi county in Zhangjiajie 張家界|张家界[Zhang1 jia1 jie4], Hunan
zhi2to plant
植入植入zhi2 ru4to implant
植入式广告植入式廣告zhi2 ru4 shi4 guang3 gao4product placement
植株植株zhi2 zhu1plant (horticulture)
植根植根zhi2 gen1to take root/ to establish a base
植根于植根於zhi2 gen1 yu2to be rooted to/ to take root in
植树植樹zhi2 shu4to plant trees
植树节植樹節Zhi2 shu4 jie2Arbor Day (March 12th), also known as National Tree Planting Day 全民義務植樹日|全民义务植树日[Quan2 min2 Yi4 wu4 Zhi2 shu4 ri4]
植树造林植樹造林zhi2 shu4 zao4 lin2afforestation
植民植民zhi2 min2variant of 殖民/ colony
植物植物zhi2 wu4plant/ vegetation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
植物人植物人zhi2 wu4 ren2person in a vegetative state/ human vegetable




2021-05-07, 563👍, 0💬