
昏 [hun1]


汉字:昏 / 拼音:hun1

hūn muddle-headed/ twilight/ to faint/ to lose consciousness


利令智昏利令智昏li4 ling4 zhi4 hun1to lose one's head through material greed (idiom)
吓昏嚇昏xia4 hun1to faint from fear/ to be frightened into fits/ shell-shocked
hun1muddle-headed/ twilight/ to faint/ to lose consciousness
昏乱昏亂hun1 luan4dazed/ confused/ fuddled
昏倒昏倒hun1 dao3to faint
昏厥昏厥hun1 jue2to faint
昏君昏君hun1 jun1incapable ruler
昏天黑地昏天黑地hun1 tian1 hei1 di4lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom)/ fig. pitch dark/ to black out/ disorderly/ troubled times
昏定晨省昏定晨省hun1 ding4 chen2 xing3seeing to bed in the evening and visiting in the morning (ancient filial duty)
昏庸昏庸hun1 yong1muddleheaded
昏昏欲睡昏昏欲睡hun1 hun1 yu4 shui4drowsy/ sleepy (idiom)
昏昏沉沉昏昏沉沉hun1 hun1 chen2 chen2dizzy
昏暗昏暗hun1 an4dusky
昏沉昏沉hun1 chen2murky/ dazed/ befuddled/ dizzy
昏睡昏睡hun1 shui4sleep/ drowse when unconscious/ lethargic sleep/ lethargy
昏睡病昏睡病hun1 shui4 bing4sleeping sickness/ African trypanosomiasis/ see also 非洲錐蟲病|非洲锥虫病[Fei1 zhou1 zhui1 chong2 bing4]
昏聩昏聵hun1 kui4muddle-headed
昏花昏花hun1 hua1dim (eyesight)/ blurred (vision)
昏迷昏迷hun1 mi2to lose consciousness/ to be in a coma/ stupor/ coma/ stunned/ disoriented
昏迷不醒昏迷不醒hun1 mi2 bu4 xing3to remain unconscious
昏头昏頭hun1 tou2to lose one's head/ to be out of one's mind/ to be dazed
昏头昏脑昏頭昏腦hun1 tou2 hun1 nao3confused/ dizzy/ fainting
hun1old variant of 昏[hun1]
晨昏晨昏chen2 hun1morning and twilight/ day and night
晨昏定省晨昏定省chen2 hun1 ding4 xing3morning and evening visits to parents/ cf 昏定晨省[hun1 ding4 chen2 xing3]
冲昏头脑沖昏頭腦chong1 hun1 tou2 nao3lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally/ to go to one's head
热昏熱昏re4 hun1to be overcome by the heat
发昏發昏fa1 hun1to faint
目眩头昏目眩頭昏mu4 xuan4 tou2 hun1to be dizzy and see stars
神志昏迷神志昏迷shen2 zhi4 hun1 mi2to be in a state of delirium




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