
擾 [rao3]


汉字:擾 / 拼音:rao3

rǎo to disturb


不胜其扰不勝其擾bu4 sheng4 qi2 rao3unable to put up with (sth) any longer
使困扰使困擾shi3 kun4 rao3to harass
侵扰侵擾qin1 rao3to invade and harass
兵戈扰攘兵戈擾攘bing1 ge1 rao3 rang3arms and confusion (idiom); turmoil of war
喧扰喧擾xuan1 rao3to disturb by noise
困扰困擾kun4 rao3to perplex/ to disturb/ to cause complications
射频干扰射頻干擾she4 pin2 gan1 rao3radio interference/ RF interference
干扰干擾gan1 rao3to disturb/ to interfere/ perturbation/ interference (physics)
干扰素干擾素gan1 rao3 su4interferon
庸人自扰庸人自擾yong1 ren2 zi4 rao3lit. silly people get their panties in a bunch (idiom)/ fig. to get upset over nothing/ to make problems for oneself
徒自惊扰徒自驚擾tu2 zi4 jing1 rao3to alarm oneself unnecessarily (idiom)
微扰微擾wei1 rao3infinitesimal disturbance/ perturbation (physics)
微扰展开微擾展開wei1 rao3 zhan3 kai1perturbative expansion (physics)
微扰论微擾論wei1 rao3 lun4perturbation theory
性骚扰性騷擾xing4 sao1 rao3sexual harassment
打扰打擾da3 rao3to disturb/ to bother/ to trouble
打扰了打擾了da3 rao3 le5sorry to interrupt you, but .../ sorry to have bothered you/ sorry, I have to go/ (slang) (coined c. 2017) used facetiously to terminate a conversation (esp. online) when the other person is being insufferable
搔扰搔擾sao1 rao3to disturb/ to harass
rao3to disturb
扰乱擾亂rao3 luan4to disturb/ to perturb/ to harass
扰动擾動rao3 dong4to disturb/ to stir up/ disturbance/ agitation/ turmoil
扰攘擾攘rao3 rang3bustling/ to create trouble/ to disturb
扰流板擾流板rao3 liu2 ban3spoiler (automotive or aeronautical)
搅扰攪擾jiao3 rao3to disturb/ to annoy
滋扰滋擾zi1 rao3to cause trouble/ to provoke a dispute
烦扰煩擾fan2 rao3to bother/ to disturb/ to vex
窜扰竄擾cuan4 rao3to invade and harass
纷扰紛擾fen1 rao3turmoil/ unrest/ disturbance
缠扰纏擾chan2 rao3to harass/ to disturb
自相惊扰自相驚擾zi4 xiang1 jing1 rao3to frighten one another




2021-05-13, 390👍, 0💬