
擠 [ji3]


汉字:擠 / 拼音:ji3

to crowd in/ to cram in/ to force others aside/ to press/ to squeeze/ to find (time in one's busy schedule)


交通拥挤交通擁擠jiao1 tong1 yong1 ji3traffic congestion
以小挤大以小擠大yi3 xiao3 ji3 da4minor projects eclipse major ones (idiom)
压挤壓擠ya1 ji3to squeeze out/ to extrude
挨挤挨擠ai2 ji3to crowd together/ to jostle/ squeezed
排挤排擠pai2 ji3to crowd out/ to push aside/ to supplant
拥挤擁擠yong1 ji3crowded/ to throng/ congestion
拥挤不堪擁擠不堪yong1 ji3 bu4 kan1overcrowded/ jam-packed
ji3to crowd in/ to cram in/ to force others aside/ to press/ to squeeze/ to find (time in one's busy schedule)
挤上去擠上去ji3 shang4 qu5to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)
挤来挤去擠來擠去ji3 lai2 ji3 qu4to mill about/ to jostle
挤兑擠兌ji3 dui4a run on a bank
挤入擠入ji3 ru4to squeeze in/ to force oneself into/ to cram into/ to intrude
挤出擠出ji3 chu1to squeeze out/ to extrude/ to drain/ to find the time/ to burst out
挤占擠占ji3 zhan4to seize/ to push aside and occupy
挤咕擠咕ji3 gu1to wink at
挤垮擠垮ji3 kua3to squash/ to crush/ to squeeze out of business/ to drive out
挤压擠壓ji3 ya1to squeeze/ to press/ to extrude
挤压出擠壓出ji3 ya1 chu1to extrude
挤奶擠奶ji3 nai3to milk
挤对擠對ji3 dui4(coll.) to mock/ to bully/ to force (a concession out of sb)
挤提擠提ji3 ti2bank run/ to crowd into a bank and withdraw all one's money
挤挤插插擠擠插插ji3 ji3 cha1 cha1crowded tightly/ jam-packed
挤满擠滿ji3 man3crowded to bursting point/ filled to overflowing/ jam-packed
挤牙膏擠牙膏ji3 ya2 gao1lit. to squeeze out toothpaste/ fig. to extract a confession under pressure
挤眉弄眼擠眉弄眼ji3 mei2 nong4 yan3to make eyes/ to wink
挤眼擠眼ji3 yan3to wink
挤紧擠緊ji3 jin3to squeeze
挤花擠花ji3 hua1(cookery) to decorate using a piping bag/ to extrude something though a piping bag/ piping
挤花袋擠花袋ji3 hua1 dai4piping bag (cookery)
挤落擠落ji3 luo4(coll.) to push aside




2021-05-24, 487👍, 0💬