撐 [cheng1]
汉字:撐 / 拼音:cheng1
撐 | |||
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异体 | 撑 撐 牚 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
俯卧撑 | 俯臥撐 | fu3 wo4 cheng1 | press-up (physical exercise)/ push-up |
吃饱了饭撑的 | 吃飽了飯撐的 | chi1 bao3 le5 fan4 cheng1 de5 | having nothing better to do/ see 吃飽撐著|吃饱撑着 |
吃饱撑着 | 吃飽撐著 | chi1 bao3 cheng1 zhe5 | having nothing better to do |
四肢支撑式 | 四肢支撐式 | si4 zhi1 zhi1 cheng1 shi4 | low plank (yoga pose) |
平板支撑 | 平板支撐 | ping2 ban3 zhi1 cheng1 | plank (exercise) |
强撑 | 強撐 | qiang3 cheng1 | to use all one's willpower (to do sth)/ to hang in there |
撑 | 撐 | cheng1 | to support/ to prop up/ to push or move with a pole/ to maintain/ to open or unfurl/ to fill to bursting point/ brace/ stay/ support |
撑场面 | 撐場面 | cheng1 chang3 mian4 | to keep up appearances/ to put up a front |
撑拒 | 撐拒 | cheng1 ju4 | to resist/ to struggle/ to sustain |
撑持 | 撐持 | cheng1 chi2 | (fig.) to sustain/ to shore up |
撑杆 | 撐杆 | cheng1 gan1 | a pole/ a prop |
撑杆跳 | 撐桿跳 | cheng1 gan1 tiao4 | pole-vaulting |
撑杆跳高 | 撐桿跳高 | cheng1 gan1 tiao4 gao1 | pole-vaulting |
撑死 | 撐死 | cheng1 si3 | full to the point of bursting/ (coll.) at most |
撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 | 撐死膽大的,餓死膽小的 | cheng1 si3 dan3 da4 de5 , e4 si3 dan3 xiao3 de5 | fullness for the bold, famine for the timid (idiom) |
撑破 | 撐破 | cheng1 po4 | to burst |
撑竿跳 | 撐竿跳 | cheng1 gan1 tiao4 | pole-vaulting/ also written 撐桿跳|撑杆跳 |
撑竿跳高 | 撐竿跳高 | cheng1 gan1 tiao4 gao1 | pole vault/ also written 撐桿跳高|撑杆跳高 |
撑腰 | 撐腰 | cheng1 yao1 | to support/ to brace |
撑船 | 撐船 | cheng1 chuan2 | to punt/ to pole a boat |
撑门面 | 撐門面 | cheng1 men2 mian4 | to keep up appearances/ to put up a front |
支撑 | 支撐 | zhi1 cheng1 | to prop up/ to support/ strut/ brace |
支撑架 | 支撐架 | zhi1 cheng1 jia4 | bracket |
硬撑 | 硬撐 | ying4 cheng1 | to make oneself do sth in spite of adversity, pain etc |
2021-05-10, 440👍, 0💬
简体:芝士 / 繁体:芝士 / 拼音:zhi1 shi4
简体:一步一个脚印 / 繁体:一步一个脚印 / 拼音:yi1 bu4 yi1 ge4 jiao3 yin4
简体:探秘 / 繁体:探秘 / 拼音:tan4 mi4
简体:栗耳短脚鹎 / 繁体:栗耳短脚鹎 / 拼音:li4 er3 duan3 jiao3 bei1
简体:伊索 / 繁体:伊索 / 拼音:Yi1 suo3