
援 [yuan2]


汉字:援 / 拼音:yuan2

yuán to help/ to assist/ to aid


人道救援人道救援ren2 dao4 jiu4 yuan2humanitarian aid
备援備援bei4 yuan2backup (Tw)
围城打援圍城打援wei2 cheng2 da3 yuan2to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops
增援增援zeng1 yuan2to reinforce
外援外援wai4 yuan2external help/ foreign aid
奥援奧援ao4 yuan2hidden ally/ powerful support/ support/ backup
孤立无援孤立無援gu1 li4 wu2 yuan2isolated and without help
弹尽援绝彈盡援絕dan4 jin4 yuan2 jue2out of ammunition and no hope of reinforcements (idiom); in desperate straits
后援後援hou4 yuan2reinforcement/ back-up/ supporting force
应援應援ying4 yuan2(originally) to provide assistance/ (more recently) to show one's support (for a singing idol etc)
技术援助技術援助ji4 shu4 yuan2 zhu4technical assistance
抗美援朝抗美援朝kang4 Mei3 yuan2 Chao2Resist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)
yuan2to help/ to assist/ to aid
援交援交yuan2 jiao1abbr. for 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]
援交妹援交妹yuan2 jiao1 mei4prostitute (slang)/ see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]
援交小姐援交小姐yuan2 jiao1 xiao3 jie5girl who engages in enjo-kōsai/ see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]
援兵援兵yuan2 bing1reinforcement
援助援助yuan2 zhu4to help/ to support/ to aid/ aid/ assistance
援助之手援助之手yuan2 zhu4 zhi1 shou3a helping hand
援助交际援助交際yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4Enjo-kōsai or "compensated dating", a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companionship and sexual favors
援助机构援助機構yuan2 zhu4 ji1 gou4relief agency/ emergency service/ rescue organisation
援引援引yuan2 yin3to quote/ to cite/ to recommend (one's friend's, associates etc)
援手援手yuan2 shou3assistance/ a helping hand/ to lend a hand
援救援救yuan2 jiu4to come to the aid of/ to save/ to rescue from danger/ to relieve
援用援用yuan2 yong4to quote/ to cite
援藏援藏yuan2 Zang4pro-Tibet/ to support Tibet/ to support Tibetan independence
攀援攀援pan1 yuan2to climb up (a rope etc)/ climbing (plant)
支援支援zhi1 yuan2to provide assistance/ to support/ to back
救援救援jiu4 yuan2to save/ to support/ to help/ to assist
救援队救援隊jiu4 yuan2 dui4rescue team




2021-05-22, 452👍, 0💬