
懸 [xuan2]


汉字:懸 / 拼音:xuan2

xuán to hang or suspend/ to worry/ public announcement/ unresolved/ baseless/ without foundation


中苏解决悬案大纲协定中蘇解決懸案大綱協定Zhong1 Su1 jie3 jue2 xuan2 an4 da4 gang1 xie2 ding4the treaty of 1923 normalizing relations between the Soviet Union and the Northern Warlord government of China
倒悬倒懸dao4 xuan2lit. to hang upside down/ fig. in dire straits
倒悬之危倒懸之危dao4 xuan2 zhi1 wei1lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/ dire straits
倒悬之急倒懸之急dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ji2lit. the crisis of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/ dire straits
倒悬之苦倒懸之苦dao4 xuan2 zhi1 ku3lit. the pain of being hanged upside down (idiom); fig. extremely critical situation/ dire straits
口若悬河口若懸河kou3 ruo4 xuan2 he2mouth like a torrent (idiom)/ eloquent/ glib/ voluble/ have the gift of the gab
垂悬分词垂懸分詞chui2 xuan2 fen1 ci2hanging participle (error of grammar in English)
天地悬隔天地懸隔tian1 di4 xuan2 ge2lit. a gulf between heaven and earth/ wide difference of opinion (idiom)
天悬地隔天懸地隔tian1 xuan2 di4 ge2see 天差地遠|天差地远[tian1 cha1 di4 yuan3]
xuan2to hang or suspend/ to worry/ public announcement/ unresolved/ baseless/ without foundation
悬停懸停xuan2 ting2to hover (helicopter, computer mouse etc)
悬垂懸垂xuan2 chui2overhang
悬壶懸壺xuan2 hu2(literary) to practice medicine/ to work as a pharmacist
悬壶济世懸壺濟世xuan2 hu2 ji4 shi4practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public
悬岩懸岩xuan2 yan2cliff
悬崖懸崖xuan2 ya2precipice/ overhanging cliff
悬崖勒马懸崖勒馬xuan2 ya2 le4 ma3lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom)/ fig. to act in the nick of time
悬崖峭壁懸崖峭壁xuan2 ya2 qiao4 bi4sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)
悬崖绝壁懸崖絕壁xuan2 ya2 jue2 bi4sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)
悬带懸帶xuan2 dai4sling (for immobilizing an injured limb etc)
悬念懸念xuan2 nian4suspense in a movie, play etc/ concern for sb's welfare
悬挂懸掛xuan2 gua4to suspend/ to hang/ (vehicle) suspension
悬挂式滑翔懸掛式滑翔xuan2 gua4 shi4 hua2 xiang2hang-gliding
悬挂式滑翔机懸掛式滑翔機xuan2 gua4 shi4 hua2 xiang2 ji1hang-glider
悬揣懸揣xuan2 chuai3to speculate/ to conjecture
悬案懸案xuan2 an4unresolved question/ unresolved case
悬梁刺股懸樑刺股xuan2 liang2 ci4 gu3to study assiduously and tirelessly (idiom)/ see also 頭懸梁,錐刺股|头悬梁,锥刺股[tou2 xuan2 liang2 , zhui1 ci4 gu3]
悬殊懸殊xuan2 shu1widely different/ large disparity
悬河懸河xuan2 he2"hanging" river (an embanked one whose riverbed is higher than the surrounding floodplain)/ (literary) waterfall/ cataract/ (fig.) torrent of words
悬浮懸浮xuan2 fu2to float (in the air etc)/ suspension




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