
憐 [lian2]


汉字:憐 / 拼音:lian2

lián to pity


乞哀告怜乞哀告憐qi3 ai1 gao4 lian2begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)
乞怜乞憐qi3 lian2to beg for pity
可怜可憐ke3 lian2pitiful/ pathetic/ to have pity on
可怜兮兮可憐兮兮ke3 lian2 xi1 xi1miserable/ wretched
可怜巴巴可憐巴巴ke3 lian2 ba1 ba1pathetic/ pitiful
可怜虫可憐蟲ke3 lian2 chong2pitiful creature/ wretch
可怜见可憐見ke3 lian2 jian4(coll.) pitiable/ to have pity on sb
同病相怜同病相憐tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company
哀怜哀憐ai1 lian2to feel compassion for/ to pity on/ to feel sorry for
惜香怜玉惜香憐玉xi1 xiang1 lian2 yu4see 憐香惜玉|怜香惜玉[lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4]
爱怜愛憐ai4 lian2to show tenderness/ to coo over/ affection
lian2to pity
怜恤憐恤lian2 xu4to take pity/ to show compassion
怜惜憐惜lian2 xi1to take pity on/ to feel tenderness toward
怜爱憐愛lian2 ai4to have tender affection for/ to love tenderly/ to pamper sb
怜悯憐憫lian2 min3to take pity on/ pity/ mercy
怜香惜玉憐香惜玉lian2 xiang1 xi1 yu4to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex (idiom)
摇尾乞怜搖尾乞憐yao2 wei3 qi3 lian2lit. to behave like a dog wagging its tail, seeking its master's affection (idiom)/ fig. to fawn on sb/ to bow and scrape/ to grovel
求怜经求憐經qiu2 lian2 jing1Kyrie Eleison (section of Catholic mass)/ Miserere nobis/ Lord have mercy upon us
由怜生爱由憐生愛you2 lian2 sheng1 ai4to develop love for sb out of pity for them
自艾自怜自艾自憐zi4 ai4 zi4 lian2to feel sorry for oneself
顾影自怜顧影自憐gu4 ying3 zi4 lian2lit. looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself (idiom)/ fig. alone and dejected



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