
慰 [wei4]


汉字:慰 / 拼音:wei4

wèi to comfort/ to console/ to reassure


健慰器健慰器jian4 wei4 qi4sex toy
劝慰勸慰quan4 wei4to console
反安慰剂反安慰劑fan3 an1 wei4 ji4nocebo
安慰安慰an1 wei4to comfort/ to console/ CL:個|个[ge4]
安慰剂安慰劑an1 wei4 ji4placebo
安慰奖安慰獎an1 wei4 jiang3consolation prize/ booby prize
宽慰寬慰kuan1 wei4to console/ to soothe/ relieved
吊慰弔慰diao4 wei4to offer condolences/ to console the bereaved
快慰快慰kuai4 wei4to feel pleased
wei4to comfort/ to console/ to reassure
慰劳慰勞wei4 lao2to show appreciation (by kind words, small gifts etc)/ to comfort
慰唁慰唁wei4 yan4to console
慰问慰問wei4 wen4to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc
慰安妇慰安婦wei4 an1 fu4comfort woman
慰籍慰籍wei4 ji2solace/ comfort
慰藉慰藉wei4 jie4to console/ to comfort/ consolation
抚慰撫慰fu3 wei4to console/ to comfort/ to soothe
抚慰金撫慰金fu3 wei4 jin1consolation money/ compensation
欣慰欣慰xin1 wei4to be gratified
神慰神慰shen2 wei4spiritual consolation
聊以自慰聊以自慰liao2 yi3 zi4 wei4to find some consolation (idiom)/ to find relief in
自慰自慰zi4 wei4to console oneself/ to masturbate/ onanism/ masturbation
自我安慰自我安慰zi4 wo3 an1 wei4to comfort oneself/ to console oneself/ to reassure oneself



2021-05-19, 307👍, 0💬