惰 [duo4]
汉字:惰 / 拼音:duo4
惰 | |||
异体 | 媠 惰 |
简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
偷惰 | 偷惰 | tou1 duo4 | to skive off work/ to be lazy |
娇惰 | 嬌惰 | jiao1 duo4 | pampered and lazy/ indolent/ without energy |
怠惰 | 怠惰 | dai4 duo4 | idleness |
惰 | 惰 | duo4 | lazy |
惰性 | 惰性 | duo4 xing4 | inert (chemistry)/ apathy/ inertia/ laziness |
惰性气体 | 惰性氣體 | duo4 xing4 qi4 ti3 | inert gas/ noble gas (chemistry) |
懈惰 | 懈惰 | xie4 duo4 | slack/ idle |
懒惰 | 懶惰 | lan3 duo4 | idle/ lazy |
游惰 | 遊惰 | you2 duo4 | to laze about without doing anything productive |
避其锐气,击其惰归 | 避其銳氣,擊其惰歸 | bi4 qi2 rui4 qi4 , ji1 qi2 duo4 gui1 | avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws (idiom) |
2021-04-30, 478👍, 0💬
简体:大湾区 / 繁体:大湾区 / 拼音:Da4 wan1 Qu1
汉字:砮 / 拼音:nu3
简体:丁字尺 / 繁体:丁字尺 / 拼音:ding1 zi4 chi3
简体:丈量 / 繁体:丈量 / 拼音:zhang4 liang2
简体:空气缓冲间 / 繁体:空气缓冲间 / 拼音:kong1 qi4 huan3 chong1 jian1