
役 [yi4]


汉字:役 / 拼音:yi4

forced labor/ corvée/ obligatory task/ military service/ to use as servant/ to enserf/ servant (old)/ war/ campaign/ battle


一身两役一身兩役yi1 shen1 liang3 yi4one person taking on two tasks simultaneously
不列颠战役不列顛戰役Bu4 lie4 dian1 Zhan4 yi4Battle of Britain (Jul-Oct 1940)
中途岛战役中途島戰役Zhong1 tu2 Dao3 Zhan4 yi4Battle of Midway, June 1942
使役使役shi3 yi4to use (an animal or servant)/ working (animal)/ (beast) of burden/ causative form of verbs (esp. in grammar of Japanese, Korean etc)
仆役僕役pu2 yi4servant
兵役兵役bing1 yi4military service
劳役勞役lao2 yi4forced labor/ corvée (labor required of a serf)/ animal labor
夫役夫役fu1 yi4corvee/ laborer
奴役奴役nu2 yi4to enslave/ slavery
孟良崮战役孟良崮戰役Meng4 liang2 gu4 Zhan4 yi4Battle of Mt Mengliang in Shandong of 1947 between the Nationalists and Communists
差役差役chai1 yi4forced labor of feudal tenant (corvée)/ bailiff of feudal yamen
平津战役平津戰役Ping2 jin1 Zhan4 yi4Pingjin Campaign (Nov 1948-Jan 1949), one of the three major campaigns by the People's Liberation Army near the end of the Chinese Civil War
yi4forced labor/ corvée/ obligatory task/ military service/ to use as servant/ to enserf/ servant (old)/ war/ campaign/ battle
役使役使yi4 shi3to put to work (servant or animal)/ to make use of for labor
役使动物役使動物yi4 shi3 dong4 wu4draft animals/ beasts of burden
役男役男yi4 nan2males eligible for military service/ draftee/ abbr. for 役齡男子|役龄男子
役畜役畜yi4 chu4draft animal/ beast of burden
役龄役齡yi4 ling2enlistment age
徭役徭役yao2 yi4forced labor/ corvee
战役戰役zhan4 yi4military campaign
拘役拘役ju1 yi4detention
斯大林格勒战役斯大林格勒戰役Si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4 Zhan4 yi4Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943), decisive battle of Second World War and one of the bloodiest battles in history, when the Germans failed to take Stalingrad, were then trapped and destroyed by Soviet forces
服兵役服兵役fu2 bing1 yi4to serve in the army
服役服役fu2 yi4to serve in the army/ in active service
淮海战役淮海戰役Huai2 hai3 Zhan4 yi4Huaihai Campaign (Nov 1948-Jan 1949), one of the three major campaigns by the People's Liberation Army near the end of the Chinese Civil War, considered the determining battle of the war
现役現役xian4 yi4(military) active duty
瓜达卡纳尔战役瓜達卡納爾戰役Gua1 da2 ka3 na4 er3 zhan4 yi4battle of Guadalcanal of late 1942, the turning point of the war in the Pacific
田役田役tian2 yi4farm work
毕其功于一役畢其功於一役bi4 qi2 gong1 yu2 yi1 yi4to accomplish the whole task at one stroke (idiom)
苦役苦役ku3 yi4forced labor/ corvée/ penal servitude




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