
弓 [Gong1 gong1]


汉字:弓 / 拼音:Gong1 gong1

gōng surname Gong
gōng a bow (weapon)/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ to bend/ to arch (one's back etc)


伤弓之鸟傷弓之鳥shang1 gong1 zhi1 niao3see 驚弓之鳥|惊弓之鸟[jing1 gong1 zhi1 niao3]
受电弓受電弓shou4 dian4 gong1pantograph (transportation)
左右开弓左右開弓zuo3 you4 kai1 gong1lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom)/ fig. to display ambidexterity/ to slap with one hand and then the other, in quick succession/ to use both feet equally (football)
Gong1surname Gong
gong1a bow (weapon)/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ to bend/ to arch (one's back etc)
弓弦弓弦gong1 xian2bowstring
弓弦儿弓弦兒gong1 xian2 r5bowstring
弓弩弓弩gong1 nu3bow and crossbow
弓弩手弓弩手gong1 nu3 shou3crossbow shooter
弓形弓形gong1 xing2circular segment
弓状弓狀gong1 zhuang4bowed/ curved like a bow
弓箭弓箭gong1 jian4bow and arrow
弓箭手弓箭手gong1 jian4 shou3archer
弓箭步弓箭步gong1 jian4 bu4bow-and-arrow step (dance step)
弓背弓背gong1 bei4to hunch over/ to stoop/ to arch one's back (upward)
弓腰弓腰gong1 yao1to bow/ to bend at the waist
弓足弓足gong1 zu2bound feet
弓身弓身gong1 shen1to bend the body at the waist/ to bow
弓长岭弓長嶺Gong1 chang2 ling3Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning
弓长岭区弓長嶺區Gong1 chang2 ling3 qu1Gongchangling district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning
弩弓弩弓nu3 gong1crossbow
弹弓彈弓dan4 gong1catapult/ slingshot
杯弓蛇影杯弓蛇影bei1 gong1 she2 ying3lit. to see a bow reflected in a cup as a snake (idiom); fig. unnecessary suspicions/ overly fearful
柘弓柘弓zhe4 gong1bow made from the 柘[zhe4] tree
腱弓腱弓jian4 gong1tendon arch (anatomy)
复合弓複合弓fu4 he2 gong1composite bow (archery)
角弓角弓jiao3 gong1bow decorated with animal horns
角弓反张角弓反張jiao3 gong1 fan3 zhang1opitoshtonous (med.), muscular spasm of the body associated with tetanus and meningitis
足弓足弓zu2 gong1arch (of a foot)
开弓不放箭開弓不放箭kai1 gong1 bu4 fang4 jian4lit. to draw the bow without shooting the arrow (idiom)/ fig. to bluff/ to be all talk and no action/ false bravado




2021-05-07, 526👍, 0💬