
弄 [long4 nong4]


汉字:弄 / 拼音:long4 nong4

lòng lane/ alley
nòng to do/ to manage/ to handle/ to play with/ to fool with/ to mess with/ to fix/ to toy with


丢眉弄色丟眉弄色diu1 mei2 nong4 se4to wink at sb
作弄作弄zuo4 nong4to tease/ to play tricks on
侍弄侍弄shi4 nong4to look after/ to tend (one's crops, garden, livestock, pets etc)/ to repair
侮弄侮弄wu3 nong4to mock/ to bully and insult
倒弄倒弄dao3 nong5to move (things around)/ to buy and sell at a profit (derog.)
劐弄劐弄huo1 leng5(dialect) to mix/ to stir/ to make trouble
吟风弄月吟風弄月yin2 feng1 nong4 yue4lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)
含饴弄孙含飴弄孫han2 yi2 nong4 sun1lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom)/ fig. to enjoy a happy and leisurely old age
呼弄呼弄hu1 nong4to fool/ to deceive
唬弄唬弄hu3 nong4to fool/ to deceive
嘲弄嘲弄chao2 nong4to tease/ to poke fun at/ to make fun of
巷弄巷弄xiang4 long4alley/ lane
long4lane/ alley
nong4to do/ to manage/ to handle/ to play with/ to fool with/ to mess with/ to fix/ to toy with
弄不懂弄不懂nong4 bu5 dong3unable to make sense of (sth)
弄不清弄不清nong4 bu5 qing1unable to figure out
弄丢弄丟nong4 diu1to lose
弄乱弄亂nong4 luan4to mess up/ to put into disorder/ to meddle with/ to confuse
弄假成真弄假成真nong4 jia3 cheng2 zhen1pretense that turns into reality (idiom); to play at make-believe, but accidentally make it true
弄伤弄傷nong4 shang1to bruise/ to hurt (something)
弄僵弄僵nong4 jiang1to bring to deadlock/ to result in a stalemate
弄到弄到nong4 dao4to get hold of/ to obtain/ to secure/ to come by
弄到手弄到手nong4 dao4 shou3to get in hand/ to get (one's) hands on/ to get hold of (in the sense of to acquire)
弄嘴弄舌弄嘴弄舌nong4 zui3 nong4 she2to cause a dispute through boastful gossip (idiom)
弄堂弄堂long4 tang2(dialect) alley/ lane
弄坏弄壞nong4 huai4to ruin/ to spoil/ to break
弄岗穗鹛弄崗穗鶥Nong4 gang3 sui4 mei2(bird species of China) Nonggang babbler (Stachyris nonggangensis)
弄巧反拙弄巧反拙nong4 qiao3 fan3 zhuo1see 弄巧成拙[nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1]
弄巧成拙弄巧成拙nong4 qiao3 cheng2 zhuo1to overreach oneself/ to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face
弄平弄平nong4 ping2to flatten




2021-04-30, 494👍, 0💬