府 [fu3]
汉字:府 / 拼音:fu3
府 | |||
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简体 | 繁体 | 拼音 | 英文 |
中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室 | 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 | Zhong1 yang1 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 fu3 Zhu4 Xiang1 gang3 Te4 bie2 Xing2 zheng4 qu1 Lian2 luo4 Ban4 gong1 shi4 | Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
中央政府 | 中央政府 | zhong1 yang1 zheng4 fu3 | central government |
京都府 | 京都府 | Jing1 du1 fu3 | Kyōto prefecture in central Japan |
人民政府 | 人民政府 | ren2 min2 zheng4 fu3 | people's government |
伊府面 | 伊府麵 | yi1 fu3 mian4 | see 伊麵|伊面[yi1 mian4] |
内务府 | 內務府 | Nei4 wu4 fu3 | Imperial Household Department (in Qing dynasty) |
公府 | 公府 | gong1 fu3 | government post in Han dynasty |
册府元龟 | 冊府元龜 | Ce4 fu3 yuan2 gui1 | Prime tortoise of the record bureau, Song dynasty historical encyclopedia of political essays, autobiography, memorials and decrees, compiled 1005-1013 under Wang Qinruo 王欽若|王钦若 and Yang Yi 楊億|杨亿, 1000 scrolls |
冥府 | 冥府 | ming2 fu3 | underworld/ hell |
北洋政府 | 北洋政府 | Bei3 yang2 zheng4 fu3 | the Warlord government of Northern China that developed from the Qing Beiyang army 北洋軍閥|北洋军阀 after the Xinhai revolution of 1911 |
反政府 | 反政府 | fan3 zheng4 fu3 | anti-government (protest) |
国民政府 | 國民政府 | Guo2 min2 zheng4 fu3 | Nationalist government 1920s-1949 under Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石 |
地府 | 地府 | di4 fu3 | hell/ the nether world/ Hades |
城府 | 城府 | cheng2 fu3 | subtle/ shrewd/ sophisticated |
大阪府 | 大阪府 | Da4 ban3 fu3 | Ōsaka prefecture |
天府 | 天府 | Tian1 fu3 | Heavenly province (epithet of Sichuan, esp. area around Chengdu)/ land of plenty |
天府之国 | 天府之國 | Tian1 fu3 zhi1 guo2 | land of plenty/ Heavenly province (epithet of Sichuan, esp. area around Chengdu) |
学府 | 學府 | xue2 fu3 | educational establishment |
官府 | 官府 | guan1 fu3 | authorities/ feudal official |
室町幕府 | 室町幕府 | Shi4 ting3 mu4 fu3 | Muromachi bakufu, the feudal government of Japan (1338-1573) under the Ashikaga shoguns |
少府 | 少府 | shao4 fu3 | Minor Treasurer in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1] |
市政府 | 市政府 | shi4 zheng4 fu3 | city hall/ city government |
常春藤学府 | 常春藤學府 | chang2 chun1 teng2 xue2 fu3 | Ivy League school |
幕府 | 幕府 | mu4 fu3 | (orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer/ administration of a military government/ (medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun |
府 | 府 | fu3 | seat of government/ government repository (archive)/ official residence/ mansion/ presidential palace/ (honorific) Your home/ prefecture (from Tang to Qing times) |
府上 | 府上 | fu3 shang4 | (polite) your home/ residence |
府城 | 府城 | fu3 cheng2 | capital of 府 prefecture (from Tang to Qing times)/ prefectural seat |
府尹 | 府尹 | fu3 yin3 | magistrate/ prefect |
府幕 | 府幕 | fu3 mu4 | government advisor |
府库 | 府庫 | fu3 ku4 | government treasury |
2021-05-19, 512👍, 0💬
简体:托运行李 / 繁体:托运行李 / 拼音:tuo1 yun4 xing2 li5
汉字:栖 / 拼音:qi1
简体:铫 / 繁体:铫 / 拼音:diao4
简体:南丹 / 繁体:南丹 / 拼音:Nan2 dan1
简体:茶碗 / 繁体:茶碗 / 拼音:cha2 wan3