
序 [xu4]


汉字:序 / 拼音:xu4

order/ sequence/ preface


并行程序並行程序bing4 xing2 cheng2 xu4parallel program
主序星主序星zhu3 xu4 xing1star in the main sequence (astron.)
井然有序井然有序jing3 ran2 you3 xu4everything clear and in good order (idiom); neat and tidy
倒序倒序dao4 xu4reverse order/ inverted order
先后顺序先後順序xian1 hou4 shun4 xu4order of priority/ sequential order
公共秩序公共秩序gong1 gong4 zhi4 xu4public order
共享程序库共享程序庫gong4 xiang3 cheng2 xu4 ku4shared library (computing)
加工时序加工時序jia1 gong1 shi2 xu4time course
升序升序sheng1 xu4ascending order
原子序数原子序數yuan2 zi3 xu4 shu4atomic number
失序失序shi1 xu4to get into disarray/ to get out of whack
子程序子程序zi3 cheng2 xu4subroutine
字母顺序字母順序zi4 mu3 shun4 xu4alphabetical order
屏幕保护程序屏幕保護程序ping2 mu4 bao3 hu4 cheng2 xu4screensaver
工序工序gong1 xu4working procedure/ process
帧检验序列幀檢驗序列zhen1 jian3 yan4 xu4 lie4frame check sequence (FCS)
xu4order/ sequence/ preface
序列序列xu4 lie4sequence
序列号序列號xu4 lie4 hao4serial number/ product key (software)
序幕序幕xu4 mu4prologue
序数序數xu4 shu4ordinal number
序文序文xu4 wen2preface/ foreword/ preamble/ recital (law)/ also written 敘文|叙文[xu4 wen2]
序曲序曲xu4 qu3overture
序号序號xu4 hao4ordinal number/ serial number/ sequence number
序言序言xu4 yan2preface/ introductory remarks/ preamble/ prelude
序跋序跋xu4 ba2preface and postscript
循序渐进循序漸進xun2 xu4 jian4 jin4in sequence, step by step (idiom); to make steady progress incrementally
抓取程序抓取程序zhua1 qu3 cheng2 xu4spider or crawler bot (Internet)
拉开序幕拉開序幕la1 kai1 xu4 mu4(fig.) to raise the curtain/ to lift the curtain/ to be a curtain raiser for
排列次序排列次序pai2 lie4 ci4 xu4ranking/ ordering in list




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