
姿 [zi1]


汉字:姿 / 拼音:zi1

beauty/ disposition/ looks/ appearance


丰姿丰姿feng1 zi1charm/ good looks
仙姿玉色仙姿玉色xian1 zi1 yu4 se4heavenly beauty, jewel colors (idiom); unusually beautiful lady
千姿百态千姿百態qian1 zi1 bai3 tai4in different poses and with different expressions/ in thousands of postures (idiom)
多姿多姿duo1 zi1many postures
多姿多彩多姿多彩duo1 zi1 duo1 cai3diversity (of forms and colors)
多彩多姿多彩多姿duo1 cai3 duo1 zi1elegant and graceful posture/ splendid, full of content
姿姿zi1beauty/ disposition/ looks/ appearance
姿势姿勢zi1 shi4posture/ position
姿容姿容zi1 rong2looks/ appearance
姿式姿式zi1 shi4variant of 姿勢|姿势[zi1 shi4]
姿态姿態zi1 tai4attitude/ posture/ stance
姿态婀娜姿態婀娜zi1 tai4 e1 nuo2to have an elegant countenance (idiom)
姿色姿色zi1 se4good looks (of a woman)
孙燕姿孫燕姿Sun1 Yan4 zi1Stefanie Sun (1978-), Singaporean singer-songwriter
搔首弄姿搔首弄姿sao1 shou3 nong4 zi1to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
摇曳多姿搖曳多姿yao2 ye4 duo1 zi1swaying gently/ moving elegantly
故作姿态故作姿態gu4 zuo4 zi1 tai4to put on an act
殊姿殊姿shu1 zi1differing attitude/ different posture
涨姿势漲姿勢zhang3 zi1 shi4Internet slang for 長知識|长知识[zhang3 zhi1 shi5]
百姿千态百姿千態bai3 zi1 qian1 tai4in different poses and with different expressions/ in thousands of postures (idiom)
睡姿睡姿shui4 zi1sleeping posture
站姿站姿zhan4 zi1stance
站军姿站軍姿zhan4 jun1 zi1to stand at attention (military)
舞姿舞姿wu3 zi1dancer's posture and movement
英姿飒爽英姿颯爽ying1 zi1 sa4 shuang3(of a person) valiant and formidable-looking/ to carry oneself tall
风姿風姿feng1 zi1good looks/ good figure/ graceful bearing/ charm
风姿绰约風姿綽約feng1 zi1 chuo4 yue1graceful/ charming/ feminine



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