
妨 [fang2]


汉字:妨 / 拼音:fang2

fáng to hinder/ (in the negative or interrogative) (no) harm/ (what) harm


不妨不妨bu4 fang2there is no harm in/ might as well
但说无妨但說無妨dan4 shuo1 wu2 fang2there is no harm in saying what one thinks (idiom)
何妨何妨he2 fang2what harm is there in (doing sth)
fang2to hinder/ (in the negative or interrogative) (no) harm/ (what) harm
妨功害能妨功害能fang2 gong1 hai4 neng2to constrain and limit successful, capable people
妨害妨害fang2 hai4to impair/ damaging/ harmful/ a nuisance
妨害公务妨害公務fang2 hai4 gong1 wu4(law) obstructing government administration
妨碍妨礙fang2 ai4to hinder/ to obstruct
妨碍球妨礙球fang2 ai4 qiu2stymie (golf)
无妨無妨wu2 fang2no harm (in doing it)/ One might as well./ It won't hurt./ no matter/ it's no bother



2021-05-09, 392👍, 0💬