
奠 [dian4]


汉字:奠 / 拼音:dian4

diàn to fix/ to settle/ a libation to the dead


dian4to fix/ to settle/ a libation to the dead
奠仪奠儀dian4 yi2a gift of money to the family of the deceased
奠基奠基dian4 ji1groundbreaking/ to lay foundation
奠基人奠基人dian4 ji1 ren2founder/ pioneer
奠基石奠基石dian4 ji1 shi2a foundation stone/ a cornerstone
奠基者奠基者dian4 ji1 zhe3founder/ pioneer
奠定奠定dian4 ding4to establish/ to fix/ to settle
奠济宫奠濟宮Dian4 ji4 gong1Dianji Temple in Keelung, Taiwan
奠祭奠祭dian4 ji4pouring of wine on ground for sacrifice
奠都奠都dian4 du1to determine the position of the capital/ to found a capital
奠酒奠酒dian4 jiu3a libation
祭奠祭奠ji4 dian4to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors)/ to hold or attend a memorial service



2021-05-27, 370👍, 0💬