
嘆 [tan4]


汉字:嘆 / 拼音:tan4

tàn to sigh/ to exclaim


一唱三叹一唱三嘆yi1 chang4 san1 tan4see 一倡三歎|一倡三叹[yi1 chang4 san1 tan4]
付之一叹付之一嘆fu4 zhi1 yi1 tan4to dismiss with a sigh (idiom); a hopeless case
令人叹令人嘆ling4 ren2 tan4to astonish
仰屋兴叹仰屋興嘆yang3 wu1 xing1 tan4to stare at the ceiling in despair/ to find no way out/ nothing you can do about it/ at the end of one's wits
可叹可嘆ke3 tan4lamentable/ sad(ly)
哀叹哀嘆ai1 tan4to sigh/ to lament/ to bewail
唉声叹气唉聲嘆氣ai1 sheng1 tan4 qi4sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/ to heave deep sighs/ to sigh in despair
tan4to sigh/ to exclaim
叹息嘆息tan4 xi1to sigh/ to gasp (in admiration)
叹惜嘆惜tan4 xi1sigh of regret
叹服嘆服tan4 fu2(to gasp) with admiration
叹气嘆氣tan4 qi4to sigh/ to heave a sigh
叹为观止嘆為觀止tan4 wei2 guan1 zhi3(idiom) to gasp in amazement/ to acclaim as the peak of perfection
叹词嘆詞tan4 ci2interjection/ exclamation
叹赏嘆賞tan4 shang3to admire/ to express admiration
悲叹悲嘆bei1 tan4to bewail/ to sigh mournfully/ to lament
感叹感嘆gan3 tan4to sigh (with feeling)/ to lament
感叹句感嘆句gan3 tan4 ju4exclamation/ exclamatory phrase
感叹号感嘆號gan3 tan4 hao4exclamation mark ! (punct.)
感叹词感嘆詞gan3 tan4 ci2interjection (part of speech)/ exclamation
感叹语感嘆語gan3 tan4 yu3exclamation/ expletive
慨叹慨嘆kai3 tan4to sigh with regret/ lament
望洋兴叹望洋興嘆wang4 yang2 xing1 tan4lit. to gaze at the ocean and lament one's inadequacy (idiom)/ fig. to feel powerless and incompetent (to perform a task)
望而兴叹望而興嘆wang4 er2 xing1 tan4to look and sigh/ to feel helpless/ not knowing what to do
自叹不如自嘆不如zi4 tan4 bu4 ru2to consider oneself as being not as good as the others
芝焚蕙叹芝焚蕙嘆zhi1 fen2 hui4 tan4lit. when one grass burns the other grass sighs (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress
咏叹调詠嘆調yong3 tan4 diao4aria
赞叹讚嘆zan4 tan4to exclaim in admiration
赞叹不已贊嘆不已zan4 tan4 bu4 yi3to be full of praise (idiom)
长吁短叹長吁短嘆chang2 xu1 duan3 tan4long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain




2021-05-03, 433👍, 0💬