
喊 [han3]


汉字:喊 / 拼音:han3

hǎn to yell/ to shout/ to call out for (a person)


人喊马嘶人喊馬嘶ren2 han3 ma3 si1lit. people shouting and horses neighing (idiom)/ fig. tumultuous/ hubbub
叫喊叫喊jiao4 han3exclamation/ outcry/ shout/ yell
吆喊吆喊yao1 han3to shout/ to yell
呐喊吶喊na4 han3shout/ rallying cry/ cheering/ to shout
呼喊呼喊hu1 han3to shout (slogans etc)
哭喊哭喊ku1 han3to wail
han3to yell/ to shout/ to call out for (a person)
喊冤喊冤han3 yuan1to cry out a grievance
喊叫喊叫han3 jiao4to cry out/ to shout
喊声喊聲han3 sheng1to yell/ hubbub
喊道喊道han3 dao4to yell
嘶喊嘶喊si1 han3to shout
大喊大喊da4 han3to shout
大喊大叫大喊大叫da4 han3 da4 jiao4shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly/ to rant/ to kick up a racket/ to conduct vigorous propaganda
大声喊叫大聲喊叫da4 sheng1 han3 jiao4to shout loudly
摇旗呐喊搖旗吶喊yao2 qi2 na4 han3to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on/ to give support to
空喊空喊kong1 han3idle clamor/ to prattle
老鼠过街,人人喊打老鼠過街,人人喊打lao3 shu3 guo4 jie1 , ren2 ren2 han3 da3lit. when a rat crosses the street, people chase it down (idiom)/ fig. everyone detests a lowlife
贼喊捉贼賊喊捉賊zei2 han3 zhuo1 zei2lit. a thief crying "Stop the thief!" (idiom)/ fig. to accuse sb of a theft and try to sneak away oneself/ to cover up one's misdeeds by shifting the blame onto others
高喊高喊gao1 han3to shout loudly/ to raise a cry/ to yell



2021-05-26, 399👍, 0💬