
哄 [hong1 hong3 hong4]


汉字:哄 / 拼音:hong1 hong3 hong4

hōng roar of laughter (onom.)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd)
hǒng to deceive/ to coax/ to amuse (a child)
hòng variant of 鬨|哄[hong4]


一哄而散一哄而散yi1 hong1 er2 san4to disperse in confusion (idiom)
一哄而起一哄而起yi1 hong1 er2 qi3(of a group of people) to rush into action
一哄而散一鬨而散yi1 hong4 er2 san4see 一哄而散[yi1 hong1 er2 san4]
乱哄哄亂哄哄luan4 hong1 hong1noisy and in disarray/ in an uproar
内哄內鬨nei4 hong4variant of 內訌|内讧[nei4 hong4]
hong1roar of laughter (onom.)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd)
hong3to deceive/ to coax/ to amuse (a child)
哄动哄動hong1 dong4variant of 轟動|轰动[hong1 dong4]
哄动一时哄動一時hong1 dong4 yi1 shi2variant of 轟動一時|轰动一时[hong1 dong4 yi1 shi2]
哄劝哄勸hong3 quan4to coax
哄堂大笑哄堂大笑hong1 tang2 da4 xiao4the whole room roaring with laughter (idiom)
哄抬哄抬hong1 tai2to artificially inflate/ to bid up (the price)
哄抢哄搶hong1 qiang3looting
哄然哄然hong1 ran2boisterous/ uproarious
哄瞒哄瞞hong3 man2to deceive
哄笑哄笑hong1 xiao4to roar with laughter/ hoots of laughter/ guffaw
哄诱哄誘hong3 you4to coax/ to induce
哄骗哄騙hong3 pian4to deceive/ to cheat
打哄打哄da3 hong3to fool around/ to kid around
欺哄欺哄qi1 hong3to dupe/ to deceive
瞒哄瞞哄man2 hong3to deceive/ to cheat (sb)
蒙哄蒙哄meng2 hong3to deceive/ to cheat
赚哄賺哄zhuan4 hong3to cheat/ to hoodwink/ to defraud
起哄起鬨qi3 hong4to heckle/ rowdy jeering/ to create a disturbance
连哄带骗連哄帶騙lian2 hong3 dai4 pian4to cajole/ to sweet talk sb into doing sth
hong4variant of 鬨|哄[hong4]
闹哄哄鬧哄哄nao4 hong1 hong1clamorous/ noisy/ sensational/ very exciting
hong4tumult/ uproar/ commotion/ disturbance



2021-05-23, 416👍, 0💬