
吵 [chao3]


汉字:吵 / 拼音:chao3

chǎo to quarrel/ to make a noise/ noisy/ to disturb by making a noise


又吵又闹又吵又鬧you4 chao3 you4 nao4to make a lot of noise/ to be disorderly
chao3to quarrel/ to make a noise/ noisy/ to disturb by making a noise
吵吵吵吵chao1 chao5to make a racket/ to quarrel
吵吵嚷嚷吵吵嚷嚷chao3 chao3 rang3 rang3to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom)
吵嘴吵嘴chao3 zui3to quarrel
吵嚷吵嚷chao3 rang3to make a racket/ clamour/ uproar
吵架吵架chao3 jia4to quarrel/ to have a row/ quarrel/ CL:頓|顿[dun4]
吵醒吵醒chao3 xing3to wake sb up with a noise
吵杂吵雜chao3 za2noisy
吵闹吵鬧chao3 nao4noisy/ raucous/ to shout and scream
吵闹声吵鬧聲chao3 nao4 sheng1noise
大吵大闹大吵大鬧da4 chao3 da4 nao4to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss/ to make a scene
争吵爭吵zheng1 chao3to quarrel/ dispute



2021-05-20, 467👍, 0💬