
含 [han2]


汉字:含 / 拼音:han2

hán to keep/ to contain/ to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)


不含糊不含糊bu4 han2 hu5unambiguous/ unequivocal/ explicit/ prudent/ cautious/ not negligent/ unafraid/ unhesitating/ really good/ extraordinary
内含內含nei4 han2to contain/ to include
包含包含bao1 han2to contain/ to embody/ to include
han2to keep/ to contain/ to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)
含冤含冤han2 yuan1wronged/ to suffer false accusations
含含糊糊含含糊糊han2 han2 hu2 hu2(of speech) obscure/ unclear/ (of actions) vague/ ineffectual
含味隽永含味雋永han2 wei4 juan4 yong3fine, lasting flavor (of literature)
含商咀徵含商咀徵han2 shang1 ju3 zhi3permeated with beautiful music (idiom)
含垢忍辱含垢忍辱han2 gou4 ren3 ru3to bear shame and humiliation (idiom)
含宫咀徵含宮咀徵han2 gong1 ju3 zhi3permeated with beautiful music (idiom)
含山含山Han2 shan1Hanshan county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui
含山县含山縣Han2 shan1 xian4Hanshan county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui
含忍耻辱含忍恥辱han2 ren3 chi3 ru3to eat humble pie/ to accept humiliation/ to turn the other cheek
含情脉脉含情脈脈han2 qing2 mo4 mo4full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted
含意含意han2 yi4meaning
含有含有han2 you3to contain/ including
含气含氣han2 qi4containing air
含水含水han2 shui3watery
含沙射影含沙射影han2 sha1 she4 ying3to attack someone by innuendo (idiom)/ to make oblique charges/ to make insinuations/ to insinuate
含沙量含沙量han2 sha1 liang4sand content/ quantity of sediment (carried by a river)
含油含油han2 you2containing oil/ oil-bearing
含油岩含油岩han2 you2 yan2oil bearing rock
含泪含淚han2 lei4tearful/ tearfully
含混含混han2 hun4vague/ unclear/ ambiguous
含燐含燐han2 lin2phosphoric
含片含片han2 pian4lozenge/ cough drop
含碳含碳han2 tan4carbonic
含磷含磷han2 lin2containing phosphate
含税含稅han2 shui4tax inclusive
含笑含笑han2 xiao4to have a smile on one's face




2021-05-10, 346👍, 0💬