
勢 [shi4]


汉字:勢 / 拼音:shi4

shì power/ influence/ potential/ momentum/ tendency/ trend/ situation/ conditions/ outward appearance/ sign/ gesture/ male genitals


上升趋势上升趨勢shang4 sheng1 qu1 shi4an upturn/ an upward trend
上扬趋势上揚趨勢shang4 yang2 qu1 shi4upward trend/ rising tendency
乘势乘勢cheng2 shi4to seize the opportunity/ to strike while the iron is hot
事势事勢shi4 shi4state of affairs
人势人勢ren2 shi4(human) penis (TCM)
人多势众人多勢眾ren2 duo1 shi4 zhong4many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength/ There is safety in numbers.
仗势仗勢zhang4 shi4to rely on power
仗势欺人仗勢欺人zhang4 shi4 qi1 ren2to take advantage of one's position to bully people (idiom)/ to kick people around
伊势丹伊勢丹Yi1 shi4 dan1Isetan, Japanese department store
占优势佔優勢zhan4 you1 shi4to predominate/ to occupy a dominant position
作势作勢zuo4 shi4to adopt an attitude/ to strike a posture
来势來勢lai2 shi4momentum of sth approaching
借势借勢jie4 shi4to borrow sb's authority/ to seize an opportunity
做张做势做張做勢zuo4 zhang1 zuo4 shi4to put on an act (idiom); to pose/ to show theatrical affectation/ to indulge in histrionics
伤势傷勢shang1 shi4condition of an injury
优势優勢you1 shi4superiority/ dominance/ advantage
劣势劣勢lie4 shi4inferior/ disadvantaged
shi4power/ influence/ potential/ momentum/ tendency/ trend/ situation/ conditions/ outward appearance/ sign/ gesture/ male genitals
势不两立勢不兩立shi4 bu4 liang3 li4the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences/ incompatible standpoints
势不可挡勢不可擋shi4 bu4 ke3 dang3see 勢不可當|势不可当[shi4 bu4 ke3 dang1]
势不可当勢不可當shi4 bu4 ke3 dang1impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
势利勢利shi4 li4snobbish
势利小人勢利小人shi4 li5 xiao3 ren2snob
势利眼勢利眼shi4 li4 yan3to be self-interested
势力勢力shi4 li5power/ (ability to) influence
势在必得勢在必得shi4 zai4 bi4 de2to be determined to win (idiom)
势在必行勢在必行shi4 zai4 bi4 xing2circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/ imperative
势均力敌勢均力敵shi4 jun1 li4 di2evenly matched (idiom)
势如破竹勢如破竹shi4 ru2 po4 zhu2like a hot knife through butter (idiom)/ with irresistible force
势子勢子shi4 zi5gesture/ posture




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