
值 [zhi2]


汉字:值 / 拼音:zhi2

zhí value/ (to be) worth/ to happen to/ to be on duty


CP值CP值C P zhi2cost-performance ratio (Tw)
一文不值一文不值yi1 wen2 bu4 zhi2worthless (idiom)/ no use whatsoever
一钱不值一錢不值yi1 qian2 bu4 zhi2not worth a penny/ utterly worthless
不值不值bu4 zhi2not worth
不值一文不值一文bu4 zhi2 yi1 wen2worthless (idiom)/ no use whatsoever
不值一笑不值一笑bu4 zhi2 yi1 xiao4of no value/ worthless
不值得不值得bu4 zhi2 de5unworthy
不值钱不值錢bu4 zhi2 qian2of little value
中值定理中值定理zhong1 zhi2 ding4 li3mean value theorem (in calculus)
交换价值交換價值jiao1 huan4 jia4 zhi2exchange value
介值定理介值定理jie4 zhi2 ding4 li3intermediate value theorem (math.)
估值估值gu1 zhi2valuation/ estimation
使用价值使用價值shi3 yong4 jia4 zhi2usable value
zhi2value/ (to be) worth/ to happen to/ to be on duty
值勤值勤zhi2 qin2variant of 執勤|执勤[zhi2 qin2]
值域值域zhi2 yu4image (or range) of a function (math.)
值夜值夜zhi2 ye4on night duty
值守值守zhi2 shou3(of a security guard etc) to be on duty, keeping an eye on things/ to keep watch
值宿值宿zhi2 su4on night duty
值得值得zhi2 de5to be worth/ to deserve
值得一提值得一提zhi2 de5 yi1 ti2to be worth mentioning
值得信赖值得信賴zhi2 de5 xin4 lai4trustworthy
值得品味值得品味zhi2 de5 pin3 wei4worth tasting/ you should try it
值得敬佩值得敬佩zhi2 de5 jing4 pei4deserving/ worthy of respect/ estimable
值得注意值得注意zhi2 de5 zhu4 yi4notable/ noteworthy/ merit attention
值得称赞值得稱讚zhi2 de5 cheng1 zan4commendable
值日值日zhi2 ri4on day duty
值日生值日生zhi2 ri4 sheng1student on duty/ prefect
值星值星zhi2 xing1(of army officers) to be on duty for the week
值机值機zhi2 ji1(airline) check-in/ to check in




2021-04-29, 864👍, 0💬