
修 [Xiu1 xiu1]


汉字:修 / 拼音:Xiu1 xiu1

xiū surname Xiu
xiū to decorate/ to embellish/ to repair/ to build/ to write/ to cultivate/ to study/ to take (a class)


下修下修xia4 xiu1to revise downward
不修边幅不修邊幅bu4 xiu1 bian1 fu2not care about one's appearance (idiom)/ slovenly in dress and manner
不加修饰不加修飾bu4 jia1 xiu1 shi4undecorated/ unvarnished/ no frills
主修主修zhu3 xiu1(education) to major in/ major
保修保修bao3 xiu1to promise to keep sth in good repair/ guarantee/ warranty
保修期保修期bao3 xiu1 qi1guarantee period/ warranty period
Xiu1surname Xiu
xiu1to decorate/ to embellish/ to repair/ to build/ to write/ to cultivate/ to study/ to take (a class)
修例修例xiu1 li4to amend an ordinance (abbr. for 修改條例|修改条例[xiu1 gai3 tiao2 li4])
修剪修剪xiu1 jian3to prune/ to trim
修图修圖xiu1 tu2to retouch images/ image retouching
修士修士xiu1 shi4member of religious order/ frater
修女修女xiu1 nu:3nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches)
修好修好xiu1 hao3to repair (sth broken)/ to restore (sth damaged)/ to establish friendly relations with/ (literary) to do meritorious deeds
修建修建xiu1 jian4to build/ to construct
修复修復xiu1 fu4to restore/ to renovate/ restoration/ (computing) to fix (a bug)
修心养性修心養性xiu1 xin1 yang3 xing4to cultivate the heart and nurture the character (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation
修宪修憲xiu1 xian4to amend the constitution
修成正果修成正果xiu1 cheng2 zheng4 guo3to achieve Buddhahood through one's efforts and insight/ to obtain a positive outcome after sustained efforts/ to come to fruition
修手修手xiu1 shou3manicure
修指甲修指甲xiu1 zhi3 jia5manicure
修撰修撰xiu1 zhuan4to compile/ to compose
修改修改xiu1 gai3to amend/ to alter/ to modify
修改稿修改稿xiu1 gai3 gao3revised draft/ new version (of a document)
修整修整xiu1 zheng3to spruce up/ to renovate/ to tend (a garden)/ to groom (one's hair)/ to finish (a rough surface)/ to trim (a lawn)/ to touch up (a photo)
修文修文Xiu1 Wen2Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou
修文县修文縣Xiu1 Wen2 xian4Xiuwen county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Gui4 yang2], Guizhou
修昔底德修昔底德Xiu1 xi1 di3 de2Thucydides (c. 455 - c. 400 BC), Greek historian, author of the History of the Peloponnesian War
修昔底德陷阱修昔底德陷阱Xiu1 xi1 di3 de2 xian4 jing3Thucydides trap (theory that war results when a dominant established power fears the rise of a rival power)
修会修會xiu1 hui4religious order




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